Domain bootstrap address settings


Domain bootstrap address settings

Use this page to specify the bootstrap address host and port of the deployment manager that contains the backup cluster.

When values is shown for the bootstrap address port, the backup cluster is not set. No host or port values are shown if a user has never set values for the backup cluster or if the user defined a backup cluster with an actual host and port and then removed the backup cluster by removing all text from the host and port fields.

After you set host and port values on the Configuration tab, the bootstrap address endpoint values become active when you restart the server. Use the Runtime tab to update the bootstrap address host and port dynamically. The system uses the run-time values until you restart the server or change the values. The values on the two tabs are independent. That is, you can specify a run-time backup cluster that is different from the configuration backup cluster.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Clusters > cluster_name > Backup cluster > Domain bootstrap address .

Configuration tab


The IP address, domain name server (DNS) host name with domain name suffix, or just the DNS host name, of the bootstrap host for the deployment manager of the backup cluster.

For example, if the host name is myhost, the fully qualified DNS name can be and the IP address can be

Data type String


The bootstrap port number for the deployment manager of the backup cluster. The port value is used in conjunction with the host name.

Data type Integer

Runtime tab


The IP address, domain name server (DNS) host name with domain name suffix, or just the DNS host name, of the bootstrap host for the deployment manager of the backup cluster.

For example, if the host name is myhost, the fully qualified DNS name can be and the IP address can be

Data type String


The bootstrap port number for the deployment manager of the backup cluster. The port value is used in conjunction with the host name.

Data type Integer

Related reference
Administrative console page features