As you prepare to install the Pluggable application client, remember that pluggable clients are only available on Windows systems.
The WebSphere Application Server default
messaging provider is only supported in the client container. Therefore the default messaging provider is not supported for use with pluggable application clients or thin application clients.
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %WAS_LOGGING% -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%WAS_ENDORSED_DIRS%""%WAS_HOME%\properties\wsjaas_client.conf" -classpath "%WAS_CLASSPATH%;<list of your application jars and classes > -Djava.ext.dirs=%WAS_EXT_DIRS% -Djava.naming.provider.url=iiop://<your WebSphere server machine name > %SERVER_ROOT% %CLIENTSAS% <fully qualified class name to run>
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