Detecting and handling problems with run-time components


Detecting and handling problems with run-time components

You must monitor the status of run-time components to ensure that, once started, they remain operational as needed.

  1. Regularly examine the status of run-time components. Browse messages displayed under Websphere Runtime Messages in the status area at the bottom of the console. The run-time event messages marked with a red X provide detailed information on event processing. You can also use the Logging and Tracing page of the administrative console to monitor the status of run-time components. Click Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace in the console navigation tree to access the page.

  2. If an application stops running when it should be operational, examine the application's status on an Applications page and try restarting the application. If messages indicate that a server has stopped running, use the Application Servers page to try restarting the server. If a cluster of servers has stopped running, use the Server Cluster page to try restarting the cluster. If the status of an application server is Unavailable, the node agent is not running in that node and restart the node agent before you can start the server.

  3. If the run-time components do not restart, reexamine the messages and read information on problem determination to help you to restart the components.

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