Deleting signer certificates

Deleting signer certificates

A signer certificate is the trusted certificate entry that is usually in a truststore file. Deleting a signer certificate from the truststore file will cause users of the truststore file to no long trust the entity represented by the signer certificate.

Read the documentation located in file for further information.

  1. Start the key management utility (iKeyman), if it is not already running.

  2. Open the truststore file. The Password Prompt window displays.

  3. Type the password and click OK .

  4. Select Signer Certificates from the menu.

  5. Select the signer certificate to be deleted.

  6. Click Delete .

  7. Click Yes to delete the specified key.

  8. Click OK .


The Signer Certificates field no longer displays the label of the signer certificate you just deleted.

Searchable topic ID: tsec_deletesigner