Debugging Service details


Debugging Service details



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Use this page to view and modify the settings used by the Debugging Service.

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The steps below describe how to enable a debug session on WebSphere Application Server. Debugging can prove useful when your program behaves differently on the application server than on your local system.

Enable service at server startup

Whether the server will attempt to start the Debug service when the server starts.

JVM debug port

The port that the Java virtual machine will listen on for debug connections.

JVM debug arguments

The debugging argument string used to start the JVM in debug mode.

Debug class filters

Array of classes to ignore during debugging. When running in step-by-step mode, the debugger will not stop in classes that match a filter entry.

BSF debug port

The port that the BSF Debug Manager listens on.

BSF logging level

The level of logging provided by the BSF Debug Manager. The valid range is 0-3, with 3 being the highest level of logging.