Data sources (Version 4)


Data sources (Version 4)

Use this page to view the settings of a Version 4.0 style data source.

These Version 4.0 data sources use the WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 Connection Manager architecture. All EJB 1.1 modules must use a Version 4.0 data source.

To view this administrative console page, click Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data sources (Version 4) .


Specifies a text identifier of the data source.

Data type String


The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the data source.

Data type String


Specifies a text description of the data source.

Data type String


Specifies a text string that you can use to classify or group the data source.

Data type String


Data source (Version 4) settings

Related concepts

JDBC providers

Data sources

Related tasks

Configuring a data source using the administrative console

Creating and configuring a JDBC provider and data source using the Java Management Extensions API

Configuring a JDBC provider and data source