DB2 Universal Database performance tips

DB2 Universal Database performance tips

You can easily adjust your system QSQSRVR prestart job settings to optimize the process of acquiring connections from DB2 Universal Database for iSeries. On the operating system, QSQSRVR jobs process Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) tasks. By default, five QSQSRVR jobs are initially active. When fewer than two QSQSRVR jobs are unused, the server creates two more jobs. If you increase the active job values, an application that establishes a large number of database connections over a short period of time might create connections more quickly. Increase the values for the initial number of jobs, threshold, and additional number of jobs by running this command on a CL command line:
Do not start more QSQSRVR jobs than your application requires. Active QSQSRVR jobs require some overhead, even if these jobs are not used.

Related Web resourcesThe following links direct you to IBM Web pages for DB2 and OS/400 tuning tips that potentially can increase the performance of WebSphere Application Server applications.


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