Use this page to enable and disable specific PMI counters for individual PMI modules.
To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Application Servers > server > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) > Custom.
Configuration tab
Click on the individual PMI module in the list on the left. The counters available for that module appear in the table on the right along with the counter type, a description of the counter, and its current status (Enabled or Disabled).
You can enable or disable each individual counter, by selecting the counter and clicking the Enable or Disable button, respectively.
Runtime tab
Click on the individual PMI module in the list on the left. The counters available for that module appear in the table on the right along with the counter type, a description of the counter, and its current status (Enabled or Disabled).
You can enable or disable each individual counter, by selecting the counter and clicking the Enable or Disable button, respectively.
Note: Enabling or disabling a module that contains sub-modules will affect the configuration of all the counters contained in the sub-modules. The parent module that is selected passes down the current configuration set to its sub-modules, which can disable any counters that were individually selected within specific sub-modules. For best results, configure the parent module first, and then select specific counters within its sub-modules.
Searchable topic ID: uprf_pmicustomsettings