Creating the security administrative user


Creating the security administrative user

Enabling security requires the creation of a WebSphere Application Server administrative user. Use the Tivoli Access Manager command-line pdadmin utility to create the Tivoli Access Manager administrative user for WebSphere Application Server. This utility is available on the policy server host machine.

About this taskFollow these steps to use the pdadmin utility.



  1. From a command line, start the pdadmin utility as the Tivoli Access Manager administrative user, sec_master:

    pdadmin -a sec_master -p sec_master_password

  2. Create a WebSphere Application Server security user. For example, the following instructions create a new user, wasadmin. The command is entered as one continuous line:

    pdadmin> user create wasadmin cn=wasadmin,o=organization,
    c=country wasadmin wasadmin myPassword

    Substitute values for organization and country that are valid for your Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry.

  3. Enable the account for the WebSphere Application Server security administrative user by issuing the following command:

    pdadmin> user modify wasadmin account-valid yes


What to do next

Configure the Java Authorization Contract for Container (JACC) provider for Tivoli Access Manager. For more information, see Tivoli Access Manager JACC provider configuration .


Related concepts

Tivoli Access Manager security for WebSphere Application Server


Related tasks

Enabling an external JACC provider