Example: Connection factory and data source Mbean access using wsadmin


Example: Connection factory and data source Mbean access using wsadmin

Wsadmin commands are used to access connection factory and data source MBeans. MBeans can retrieve or update properties for a connection factory or data source.

To get a list of J2C connection factory or data source Mbean object names, from the wsadmin command line use one of the following administrative control commands:

$AdminControl queryNames *:type=J2CConnectionFactory,*
$AdminControl queryNames *:type=DataSource,*

Example output from DataSource query:

wsadmin>$AdminControl queryNames *:type=DataSource,*
"WebSphere:name=Default Datasource,process=server1,platform=dynamicproxy,node=
system1Node01,JDBCProvider=Cloudscape JDBC Provider,j2eeType=JDBCDataSource,J2EESe rver=server1,Server=server1,version=,type=DataSource,mbeanIdentifier=cell s/system1Node01Cell/nodes/system1Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#DataSource _1094760149902,JDBCResource=Cloudscape JDBC Provider,cell=system1Node01Cell"

By using the J2C connection factory or data source MBean object name, you can access the MBean. The name follows the webSphere:name= expression. In the following example, for the first set, the default data source name is set on variable name. For the second set, the object name is set on variable objectName.

Example using the Default Datasource

- wsadmin>set name [list Default Datasource] 

Default Datasource 

- wsadmin>set objectName [$AdminControl queryNames *:name=$name,*]

"WebSphere:name=Default Datasource,process=server1,platform=dynamicproxy,node=
system1Node01,JDBCProvider=Cloudscape JDBC Provider,j2eeType=JDBCDataSource,J2EESe rver=server1,Server=server1,version=,type=DataSource,mbeanIdentifier=cell s/system1Node01Cell/nodes/system1Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#DataSource _1094760149902,JDBCResource=Cloudscape JDBC Provider,cell=system1Node01Cell"

Now you can use the objectName for getting help on attributes and operations available for this mbean.

$Help attributes $objectName $Help operations $objectName

To get or set an attribute or to use an operation, use one of the following commands:

$AdminControl getAttribute $objectName "attribute name"
$AdminControl setAttribute $objectName "attribute name" value 
$AdminControl invoke $objectName "operation"

Attribute, operation examples:

Get and set a attribute maxConnections (Note, if you get no value, a null value, or 
a java.lang.IllegalStateException, the connection factory or data source for this 
MBean has not been created. The connection factory or data source is created at first 
JNDI lookup. For this example, the Default Datasource needs to be used before get, 
set and invoke will work.)

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $objectName maxConnections 10

wsadmin>$AdminControl setAttribute $objectName maxConnections 20

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $objectName maxConnections 20

Using invoke 
wsadmin>$AdminControl invoke $objectName showPoolContents 

PoolManager name:DefaultDatasource PoolManager object:746354514
Total number of connections: 3 (max/min 20/1, reap/unused/aged 180/1800/0, 
connectiontimeout/purge 1800/EntirePool)
                               (testConnection/inteval false/0, stuck timer/time /threshold 0/0/0, surge time/connections 0/-1)
Shared Connection information (shared partitions 200)
  No shared connections 
Free Connection information (free distribution table/partitions 5/1)
  (2)(0)MCWrapper id 5c6af75b  Managed connection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@4b5
  (2)(0)MCWrapper id 3394375a  Managed connection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@328
  (2)(0)MCWrapper id 4795b75a  Managed connection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@46a 4b75a  State:STATE_ACTIVE_FREE

  Total number of connection in free pool: 3
UnShared Connection information   No unshared connections 

Here is an example Java program using the wsadmin tool to invoke showPoolContents: ShowPoolContents.Java code

Example: using wsadmin to invoke showPoolContents

Searchable topic ID: rdat_wsadminex