Configure and viewing name space bindings


Configure and viewing name space bindings

To view or configure an EJB, CORBA, Indirect lookup or string name space binding, complete the following:

  1. In the administrative console, click Environment > Manage Name Space Bindings .

  2. Select the desired scope by entering in a node name for node-scoped bindings, or a node name and server name for server-scoped bindings, and click Apply .

  3. To create a new binding, click New and follow the instructions. To edit a previously created binding, click the binding you want to edit and proceed to the next step.

  4. Edit the Binding identifier , the Name in name space, and the String value fields as desired.

    Note: All of these fields are required.

  5. Click Finish to register the changes.

String binding settings
CORBA object binding settings
Indirect lookup binding settings
EJB binding settings
Name space binding collection

Related concepts
Name space bindings
Name space federation
Configured name bindings