Configure static policy files


Configure static policy files

By configuring the static policy files, the required permission will be granted for all of the Java programs.

Java 2 security uses several policy files to determine the granted permission for each Java program. Two types of policy files are supported by WebSphere Application Server: dynamic policy files and static policy files. Static policy files provide the default permissions. Dynamic policy files provide application permissions.

Policy file name Description
java.policy Contains default permissions for all of the Java programs on the node. This file seldom changes.
server.policy Contains default permissions for all of the WebSphere Application Server programs on the node. This file is rarely updated.
client.policy Contains default permissions for all of the applets and client containers on the node.
The static policy file is not a configuration file that is managed by the repository and the file replication service. Changes to this file are local and do not get replicated to the other machine.



  1. Identify the policy file to update.

  2. Stop and restart WebSphere Application Server.



The required permission is granted for all of the Java programs that run with the restarted JVM.

Example If Java programs on a node require permissions, the policy file needs updating. If the Java program that required the permission is not part of an enterprise application, update the static policy file. The missing permission results in the creation of the exception. The missing permission is listed in the exception data.

For example: access denied ( C:/WAS_HOME/lib/mail-impl.jar read)

When a Java program receives this exception and adding this permission is justified, add a permission to an adequate policy file.

For example:

grant codeBase "file:user_client_installed_location" {



java.policy file permissions

server.policy file permissions

client.policy file permissions


Related tasks

Using PolicyTool to edit policy files

Protecting system resources and APIs (Java 2 security)