Step 3: Configuring

Configure software license information

Note: If you run WebSphere Application Server - Express V6 on OS/400 V5R2, configure the software license information. If you run WebSphere Application Server - Express V6 on OS/400 V5R3 or higher, the product is free and does not come with Proof of Entitlement. Do not perform the steps on this page if you run WebSphere Application Server - Express V6 on OS/400 V5R3 or higher.

After you complete the installation process and before you start WebSphere Application Server, set the usage limit from the Proof of Entitlement (POE) or invoice.

To set the usage limit, enter the Work with License Information (WRKLICINF) command on a CL command line, and then perform the following steps.

Note: Your user profile must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

  1. On the Work with License Information menu, press F11 (Display Usage Information).

  2. Move the cursor to the line that contains the product 5733W60 and the feature code for the product that you installed. The feature codes are:

    • 5101: WebSphere Application Server V6 Express
    • 5102: WebSphere Application Server V6
    • 5103: WebSphere Application Server V6 Network Deployment

  3. Select option 2 (Change), and press Enter. When the Change License Information display is shown, update the Usage limit prompt (USGLMT) with the usage limit shown on the POE or invoice. Entering any number that exceeds the purchased limit violates the IBM purchase agreement.

  4. On the Change License Information display, press F9 (All parameters). Update the Threshold (THRESHOLD) prompt with *USGLMT, and press Enter. Do not leave the threshold set to zero.

    Note: If the following message is displayed, respond by typing G:

      CPA9E1B: Usage limit increase must be authorized. Press help before replying (C G)

    After you respond to the CPA9E1B message, respond to the same message on the QSYSOPR message queue. Run the DSPMSG QSYSOPR command to see the message in the QSYSOPR message queue. When the message is displayed, type G.
