Outbound transports refers to the transport that is used to connect to a downstream server. When you configure the outbound transport, consider the transports that the downstream servers support. If you are considering Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), also consider including the signers of the downstream servers in this server truststore file for the handshake to succeed.
When you select an SSL configuration, that configuration points to keystore and truststore files that contain the necessary signers. If you configured client certificate authentication for this server by completing the following steps, then the downstream servers contain the signer certificate belonging to the server personal certificate:
Complete the following steps to configure the outbound transport panels.
This panel includes the SSL configuration of keystore files, truststore files, file formats, security levels, ciphers, cryptographic token selections, and so on. Verify that the truststore keyring file in the selected SSL configuration contains the signers for any downstream servers. Also, verify that the downstream servers contain the server signer certificates when outbound client certificate authentication is used.
The outbound transport configuration is complete. With this configuration, you can configure a different transport for inbound security versus outbound security. For example, if the application server is the first server used by end users, the security configuration might be more secure. When requests go to back-end enterprise beans servers, you might consider less security for performance reasons when you go outbound. With this flexibility you can design a transport infrastructure that meets your needs.
When you finish configuring security, perform the following steps to save, synchronize, and restart the servers.
Common Secure Interoperability Version 2 outbound transport settings
Secure Authentication Service outbound transport settings
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