Before starting this task, the wsadmin tool must be running. See the Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.
Perform the following steps to configure a new WebSphere topic:
set newjmsp [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/JMSProvider:JMSP1/]
newjmsp = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:myNode/JMSProvider:JMSP1/') print newjmsp
Example output:
Example output:
Attribute Type name String jndiName String topic String
set name [list name WAST1] set jndi [list jndiName jms/WAST1] set topic [list topic "Put your topic here"] set wtAttrs [list $name $jndi $topic]Example output:
{name WAST1} {jndiName jms/WAST1} {topic {Put your topic here}}
name = ['name', 'WAST1'] jndi = ['jndiName', 'jms/WAST1'] topic = ['topic', "Put your topic here"] wtAttrs = [name, jndi, topic] print wtAttrsExample output:
[[name, WAST1], [jndiName, jms/WAST1], [topic, "Put your topic here"]]
$AdminConfig create WASTopic $newjmsp $wtAttrs
print AdminConfig.create('WASTopic', newjmsp, wtAttrs)
Example output:
Related concepts
AdminConfig object for scripted administration
Related reference
Commands for the AdminConfig object