WebSphere Application Server supports the use of the Java Message Service (JMS) API to transport Web services requests, as an alternative to using HTTP.
Review the topic Using the Java Message Service to transport Web services requests.
Configuring a service endpoint is necessary to connect Web service clients to any Web services among the components being assembled or to any external Web services. You can configure the endpoint URL information for JMS during application installation
In this task, enter the JMS endpoint URL prefix to use for each Web service-enabled enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Java archive (JAR) file that belong to the application. The JMS endpoint URLs are included in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) files published for clients to use.
You can specify HTTP URL prefixes for Web services that are accessed through HTTP by using the Provide HTTP endpoint URL information panel in the administrative console. These prefixes are used to form complete endpoint addresses that are included in WSDL files when published.
You can specify JMS URL prefixes by using the Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information panel in the administrative console during or after application installation.
To configure JMS URL prefixes:
The value that you enter is used to define the location attribute of the port soap:address element within the WSDL file that is published using the application_name_ExtendedWSDLFiles.zip or the application_name_WSDLFiles.zip file on the Publish WSDL zip files panel.
ResultYou have a Web service that is accessible through the JMS transport and configured with JMS bindings.
Suppose an application called StockQuoteService contains an EJB JAR file that is named StockQuoteEJB, which contains one or more Web services that are accessible through the JMS transport. In Using the Java Message Service to transport Web services requests you defined a queue with the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of jms/StockQuote_Q, and a connection factory with the JNDI name of jms/StockQuote_CF, for your application. In this example, you specify the following string as the JMS URL prefix within the Provide JMS and EJB endpoint URL information panel:
jms:/queue?destination=jms/StockQuote_Q&connectionFactory=jms/StockQuote_CFThe WSDL publisher uses this partial URL string to produce the actual JMS URL for each port component that is defined in the module. The targetService=<port_name> string is added to the end of the JMS URL, for example:
The published WSDL file is used by clients to invoke the Web service.
Related tasks
Publishing WSDL files
Configuring endpoint URL information for HTTP bindings
Configuring endpoint URL information to directly access enterprise beans
Related reference
Java Message Service endpoint URL syntax
EJB endpoint URL syntax