Configure a JDBC provider using the administrative console

a JDBC provider using the administrative console

To create connections between an application and a relational database, WebSphere Application Server uses the driver implementation classes that are encapsulated by the JDBC provider.

Each JDBC provider is essentially an object that represents vendor-specific JDBC driver classes to Application Server, for establishing access to that particular vendor database. JDBC providers are prerequisites for data sources, which supply applications with the physical connections to a database. Consult the JDBC provider table to identify the appropriate JDBC provider for your database and application requirements.

Why and when to perform this task

Configure at least one JDBC provider for each database server that you plan to use at a particular scope within your WebSphere Application Server environment.

Steps for this task

  1. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Open the administrative console.

  2. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Click Resources > JDBC Providers.

  3. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Select the scope at which applications can use the JDBC provider. (This scope becomes the scope of your data source.) You can choose a cell, node, cluster, or server. For more information, see Administrative console scope settings.

  4. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Click New .

    Note: If Java script is disabled for your browser, you do not see the three drop-down lists that are described in the next three steps (for database type, provider type, and implementation type) . Instead, you see a single drop-down box that lists all JDBC provider choices simultaneously (inclusive of every database, provider, and implementation type).

  5. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Use the first drop-down list to select the database type of the JDBC provider you need to create.

    If the list of database types does not include the product that you want to use, select User-Defined . This selection triggers the console to display your provider type as User-defined JDBC provider , and your implementation type as User-defined . Consult your database documentation for the JDBC class files, data source properties, and so on that are required for your user-defined provider. Input these specifics on the JDBC properties pages that are described in steps eight through ten of this task. You also need to input some of this information on the properties pages that are part of the data source configuration task.

  6. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 From the second drop-down list, select your JDBC provider type.

  7. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 From the third drop-down list, select the implementation type that is necessary for your application. If your application does not require that connections support two-phase commit transactions, choose Connection Pool Data Source . Choose XA Data Source, however, if your application requires connections that support two-phase commit transactions. Applications that use this data source configuration have the benefit of container-managed transaction recovery.

  8. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Click Next to view the general property settings page for your JDBC provider.

  9. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Ensure that all required properties have valid values. For more information, see JDBC Provider settings.

  10. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Click Apply to view the page with your new JDBC provider settings. Note that two active data source links now appear under the Additional Properties heading on this page. To set up a data source, click the link that corresponds to the type required by your application, the Version 4 data source or the later version data source. (For more information, refer to the section entitled "Choice of data source" in the Data sources topic.)

  11. Version 6.0 Version 6.0.1 Version 6.0.2 Click OK to return to the JDBC providers page, where your new JDBC provider appears in the list.

    Remember: If you modify the class path or native library path of a JDBC provider, click OK and then restart every
    application server within the scope of that JDBC provider. Otherwise, the new configuration does not work, and you receive data source failure messages.


What to do next

Your next step is to create a data source for association with your JDBC provider. For detailed information, see Configuring a data source using the administrative console.

JDBC Provider collection

Related concepts
JDBC providers
Data sources

Related tasks
Configuring a data source using the administrative console

Related reference
Vendor-specific data sources minimum required settings