Commands for the AdminTask object


Commands for the AdminTask object



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Run an administrative command using the wsadmin tool.

You can start the scripting client without having a server running by using...

-conntype NONE

AdminTask commands are available in both connected and local modes. If a server is currently running, IBM recommends not running the AdminTask commands in local mode because any configuration changes made in local mode are not reflected in the running server configuration and vice versa. If you save a conflicting configuration, you can corrupt the configuration.

In a deployment manager environment, configuration updates are available only if a scripting client is connected to a deployment manager. When connected to a node agent or a managed application server, you cannot update the configuration because the configuration for these server processes are copies of the master configuration, which resides in the deployment manager. The copies are created on a node machine when a configuration synchronization occurs between the deployment manager and the node agent. Make configuration changes to the server processes by connecting a scripting client to a deployment manager. Do not run a scripting client in local mode on a node machine.



NodeGroupCommands group

The addNodeGroupMember command adds a member to a node group. Nodes can be members of more than one node group. The command does validity checking to ensure the following:

The target object is the node group where the member will be created. This target object is required.

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SIBWebServices group

Adds the configuration for an inbound port to an inbound service. This command fails if:

The object name of the inbound service to which the port will be added.

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SIBWebServices group

The addSIBWSOutboundPort command adds the configuration for an outbound port to an outbound service.

The object name of the outbound service for which the port will be associated.

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SIBAdminCommands group

Use this command to add a server or a cluster to a SIB bus.


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WSGateway group

The addWSGWTargetService command adds a target to a gateway service. You must specify the targetService parameter or the targetDestination parameter.

Object name of the GatewayService object

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ManagedObjectMetadata group

Compares the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version given a node that you specify and an input version.


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SIBWebServices group

Connects an end point listener to a bus.

Object name of the end point listener that you want to create.

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JCA management group

Create a Java 2 Connector (J2C) resource adapter under the scope that you specify.


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ServerManagement group

Create a new application server.

Node name (optional)

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ServerManagement group

Creates a new application server template.


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ChannelFrameworkManagement group

Create a new chain of transport channels that are based on a chain template.

The instance of the transport channel service under which the new chain is created. (ObjectName, required)

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Create a new server cluster. A server cluster consists of a group of application servers that are referred to as cluster members. Optionally, a replication domain can be created for the new cluster, and an existing server can be included as the first cluster member.


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Create a member of a server cluster. A cluster member is an application server that belongs to a cluster. If this is the first member of the cluster, specify a template to use as the model for the cluster member. The template can be either a default server template, or an existing application server

clusterObjectID - The configuration object ID of the cluster to which the new member will belong. If you do not specify the configuration ID, specify the clusterName parameter. You can obtain the object name programmatically through Java using the WAS ConfigService API or through wsadmin scripting using the AdminConfig object.

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CoreGroupManagement group

Create a new core group. The core group that you create contains no members.


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CoreGroupBridgeManagement group

Create a default core group access point for the core group that you specify and adds it to the default access point group. If the default access point group does not exist, the command creates a default access point group.

Core group bridge settings object for the cell. (ObjectName, required).

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ServerManagement group

Step: ConfigProcDef

Create a new generic server in the configuration. A generic server is a server that the WAS manages, but did not supply. The createGenericServer command provides an additional step, ConfigProcDef, that you can use to configure the parameters that are specific to generic servers.


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JCA management group

Create a Java 2 Connector (J2C) activation specification under a J2C resource adapter and the attributes that you specify. Use the messageListenerType parameter to indicate the activation specification that is defined for the J2C resource adapter.


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JCA management group

Create an administrative object under a resource adapter with attributes that you specify. Use the administrative object interface to indicate the administrative object that is defined in the resource adapter.


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JCA management group

Create a Java 2 connection factory under a Java 2 resource adapter and the attributes that you specify. Use the connection factory interfaces to indicate the connection definitions that are defined for the Java 2 resource adapter.

J2CConnectionFactory object ID

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NodeGroupCommands group

The createNodeGroup command creates a new node group. A node group consists of a group of nodes that are referred to as node group members. Optionally, you can create a short name and a description for the new node group.

The node group name to be created. This target object is required.

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NodeGroupCommands group

The createNodeGroupProperty command creates custom properties for a node group.

The name of the node group. This target object is required.

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SIBAdminCommands group

Use this command to create a SIB destination.


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SIBAdminCommands group

Use the createSIBEngine command to create a new
messaging engine for a bus member.


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SIBJMSAdminCommands group

Use the createSIBJMSActivationSpec command to create a SIB JMS activation specification.

Scope of the SIB JMS resource adapter to which you want to add the activation specification.

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SIBJMSAdminCommands group

Use the createSIBJMSConnectionFactory command to create a generic, queue or topic SIB JMS connection factory.

Scope of the SIB JMS resource adapter to which you want to add the SIB JMS connection factory.

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SIBJMSAdminCommands group

Use the createSIBJMSQueue command to create a SIB JMS queue.

Scope of the SIB JMS resource adapter to which you want to add the SIB JMS queue.

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SIBJMSAdminCommands group

Use this command to create a SIB JMS topic.

Scope of the SIB JMS resource adapter to which you want to add the SIB JMS topic.

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Use this command to create a SIB mediation.


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SIBWebServices group

The createSIBWSEndpointListener command creates an end point listener object with no SIBWS bus connection property objects.

Object name of the server where the end point listener will be created.

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SIBWebServices group

The createSIBWSInboundService command creates a new inbound service object that represents a protocol attachment that service requesters use. If you specify the UDDIReference option, the wsdlLocation option is assumed to be a UDDI service key in the following format, where each n is a hex digit: nnnnnnnnnnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnn-nnnnnnnn.

The object name of the messaging bus within which the service will be created.

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SIBWebServices group

The createSIBWSOutboundService command creates a new outbound service object that represents a protocol attachment to a service provider. This command requires the identification of a single service element within a WSDL document.

The object name of the messaging bus within which the service is created.

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Use this command to create a new bus on the current node.


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Define a server type.


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The createTCPEndPoint command creates a new named end point that you can associate with a TCP inbound channel.

Parent instance of the TransportChannelService that contains the TCPInboundChannel. (ObjectName, required)

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UnmanagedNodeCommands group

Use the createUnmanagedNode command to create a new unmanaged node in the configuration. An unmanaged node is a node that does not have a node agent or a deployment manager. Unmanaged nodes can contain Web servers, such as IBM HTTP Server.


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WSGateway group

The createWSGWGatewayService command creates a new GatewayService with associated InboundService and TargetService objects. Configuration of the InboundPort and OutboundService/Port that is associated with these objects is done using separate commands.

ObjectName of the gateway instance which the gateway service is created

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WSGateway group

The createWSGWProxyService command creates a new proxy service with an associated inbound service and a target service object with an associated outbound service. Configuration of the inbound port objects that are associated with the inbound service is done using separate commands.

The object name of the gateway instance within which the proxy service is created.

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ServerManagement group

Use the createWebServer command to create a Web server definition. This command is a two-step process. The first step creates a Web server definition using a template. The parameters of the second step configure the Web server definition properties. Web server definitions generate and propagate the plugin-config.xml file for each Web server. For IBM HTTP Server only, you can use the Web server definitions allow you to administer and configure IBM HTTP Server Web servers using the administrative console. These functions include: Start, Stop, View logs, View and Edit configuration files.


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ChannelFrameworkManagement group

The deleteChain command deletes an existing chain and, optionally, the transport channels in the chain.

The chain to be deleted. (ObjectName,required)

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The deleteCluster command deletes the configuration of a server cluster. A server cluster consists of a group of application servers that are referred to as cluster members. When a server cluster is deleted, all of its members are deleted.

Delete the configuration of an individual cluster member.

clusterObjectID - The configuration object ID of the cluster to be deleted. If the cluster's object ID is not specified, then the clusterName parameter must be specified. The object name can be obtained programmatically through Java using the WebSphere ConfigService API, or through wsadmin scripting using the AdminConfig object.

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The deleteClusterMember command deletes the configuration of a cluster member. A cluster member is an application server that belongs to a server cluster.

Delete the configuration of a cluster.

memberObjectID - The configuration object ID of the cluster member to be deleted. If this is not specified, then the clusterName, memberNode and memberName parameters must be specified. The object name can be obtained programmatically via Java using the WebSphere ConfigService API, or via wsadmin scripting using the AdminConfig command.

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CoreGroupManagement group

The deleteCoreGroup command deletes an existing core group. The core group that you specify must not contain any members. You cannot delete the default core group.


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CoreGroupBridgeManagement group

The deleteCoreGroupAccessPoints command deletes all the core group access points that are associated with a group that you specify.

Core group bridge settings object for the cell. (ObjectName, required)

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Use the deleteSIBDestination command to delete a bus destination. This command deletes the named destination of the named bus and deletes all related message points.


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Use the deleteSIBEngine command to delete the default or named bus messaging engine from the named SIB bus. A server can have one messaging engine only. When you use this command to delete a messaging engine from a server, the engine name is not required. A cluster can have more than one messaging engine so the name of the engine must be supplied.


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Use the deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec command to delete an activation specification.


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Use the deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory command to delete SIB JMS connection factories.


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Use the deleteSIBJMSQueue command to delete a JMS queue.


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Use the deleteSIBJMSTopic command to delete a JMS topic.


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Use this command to delete the named mediation from the named bus.


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SIBWebServices group

The deleteSIBWSEndpointListener command deletes the configuration of a an end point listener. This command fails if inbound port objects are associated with the end point listener.

Object name of the end point listener that you want to delete.

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SIBWebServices group

The deleteSIBWSInboundService command deletes an inbound service object and any associated inbound port objects.

The object name of the inbound service object that you want to delete.

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SIBWebServices group

The deleteSIBWSOutboundService command deletes an outbound service object and any associated outbound port objects. Resources that are associated with the outbound service or outbound ports, for example, WS-Security configuration, are disassociated from the outbound service but the outbound ports are not deleted.

Object name of the outbound service object that you want to delete.

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The deleteSIBus command deletes the named SIB bus, all SIB mediations and all SIB destinations that are owned by the bus.


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ServerManagement group

Delete a server.


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Delete a server template. You cannot delete templates that are defined by the system. You can only delete server templates that you created. This command deletes the directory that hosts the server template.

The name of the template to delete. (ObjectName, required)

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WSGateway group

The deleteWSGWGatewayService command deletes a gateway service. It deletes the gateway destination, the corresponding reply destination, the inbound service, the inbound port enablement objects, and all of the associated target service objects. This command does not delete the destinations that are associated with the target services.

Object name of the gateway service object

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WSGateway group

The deleteWSGWProxyService command deletes a proxy service that includes the proxy destinations, outbound service, outbound ports, inbound service, and inbound port enablement objects.

Object name of the ProxyService object

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SIBWebServices group

The disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener command disconnects an end point listener from a bus.

Object name of the end point listener to be disconnected.

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CoreGroupManagement group

The doesCoreGroupExist command returns a boolean value that indicates if the core group that you specify exists.


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Configuration archiveOperations group

Export the server configuration to a node that is defined in the configuration archive.

The exportServer command virtualizes the server configuration and exports a server to a configuration archive. This process breaks any existing associations between the server configurations in the configuration archive and the configurations in the system. This process also removes applications from the server that you specify, breaks the relationship between the server that you specify and the core group of the server, cluster, or SIBus membership. The exportServer command exports the metadata file of the node where the server resides. You can use this information later when you import the configuration archive to verify that the target node is compatible to the node from which you are exporting the server.


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configuration archiveOperations group

Use the exportWasprofile command to export the entire cell configuration to a configuration archive.


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CoreGroupManagement group

The getAllCoreGroupNames command returns a string that contains the names of all of the existing core groups


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CoreGroupManagement group

The getCoreGroupNameForServer command returns the name of the core group in which the server that you specify is currently a member.


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CoreGroupManagement group

The getDefaultCoreGroupName command returns the name of the default core group.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getMetadataProperties command obtains all metadata for the node that you specify.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getMetadataProperty command obtains metadata with the specified key for the node that you specify.


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CoreGroupBridgeManagement group

The getNamedTCPEndPoint command returns the port associated with the bridge interface that you specify. The port that is returned is the one that is specified on the TCP inbound channel of the transport channel chain for bridge interface that you specify.

The bridge interface object for which the port will be listed. (ObjectName, required)

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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getNodeBaseProductVersion command returns the version of the WAS for a node that you specify. This command only returns the version for a distributed installation of the product.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getNodeMajorVersion command returns the major version of the WAS for a node that you specify. This command returns the version for a distributed installation of the product only.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getNodeMinorVersion command returns the minor version of the WAS for a node that you specify. This command only returns the version for a distributed installation of the product only.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getNodePlatformOS command returns the operating system name for a node that you specify.


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ManagedObjectMetadata group

The getNodeSysplexName command returns the sysplex name for a node that you specify.


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ServerManagement group

The getServerType command returns the type of the server that you specify.


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The getTCPEndPoint command obtains the named end point that is associated with either a TCP inbound channel or a chain that contains a TCP inbound channel.

TCPInboundChannel, or containing chain, instance that is associated with a NamedEndPoint. (ObjectName, required)

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Configuration archiveOperations group

Import a server that resides in a configuration archive to the system. This command imports all the server scope configurations defined in the configuration archive to system configuration.


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The help command provides a summary of the help commands and ways to invoke an administrative command.





The help command provides a list of available administrative commands if the option string is -commands or administrative command groups if the option string is -commandGroups. Valid options include -commands and -commandGroups.





If you provide the step name, this command provides help information for a given step of an administrative command. Otherwise, it provides help information for a given admin command or administrative command group. The stepName parameter is optional.




configuration archiveOperations group

Use the importWasprofile command to import a cell configuration in the configuration archive to the system. Only a base single server configuration is supported for this command.


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MangedObjectMetadata group

The isNodeZOS command tests if a node that you specify is running on the z/OS platform. This command does not apply to distributed platforms or to WAS-Express.


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JCA management group

List the administrative object interfaces that are defined under the resource adapter that you specify.

J2CResouce adapter object ID

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ChannelFrameworkManagement group

The listChainTemplates command displays a list of templates that you can use to create chains in this configuration. All templates have a certain type of transport channel as the last transport channel in the chain.


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ChannelFrameworkManagement group

The listChains command lists all the chains that are configured under a particular instance of the transport channel service.

The instance of the transport channel service under which the the chains are configured. (ObjectName, required)

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JCA management group

List all of the connection factory interfaces that are defined under the Java 2 connector resource adapter that you specify.

J2CResourceAdapter object ID

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CoreGroupBridgeManagement group

The listCoreGroups command returns a collection of core groups that are related to the core group that you specify.

The name of the core group for which the related core groups will be listed. (String, required)

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CoreGroupBridgeManagement group

The listEligibleBridgeInterfaces command returns a collection of node, server, and transport channel chain combinations that are eligible to become bridge interfaces for the specified core group access point.

The core group access point object for which bridge interfaces will be listed. (ObjectName, required)

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JCA management group

List the activation specifications that are contained under the resource adapter and message listener type that you specify.

J2CResourceAdapter object ID

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JCA Management group

List administrative objects that contain the administrative object interface that you specify.

J2C ResourceAdapter object ID

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JCA management group

List the Java 2 connector connection factories under the resource adapter and connection factory interface that you specify.

J2C ResourceAdapter object ID

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UnmanagedNodeCommands group

Use the listManagedNodes command to list the managed nodes, nodes that have a node agent defined, in a configuration.


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JCA Management group

List the message listener types that are defined under the resource adapter that you specify.

J2C ResourceAdapter object ID

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NodeGroupCommands group

The listNodeGroupProperties command displays all of the custom properties of a node group.

The target object is name of the node group. This target object is required.

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NodeGroupCommands group

The listNodeGroups command returns the list of node groups from the configuration repository. You can pass an optional node name to the command that returns the list of node groups where the node resides.

The target object is name of the node. This target object is optional.

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NodeGroupCommands group

The listNodes command displays all of the nodes in the cell.

The target object is name of the node group. This target object is optional.

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Use the listSIBDestinations command to get a list of SIB destinations of the named type that is owned by a named SIB bus. If no type is named, all the destinations that are owned by the named bus are listed.


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Use the listSIBEngines command to get a list of bus messaging engines. Supplying only the bus parameter will results in a list of all the engines that are associated with the named bus. Supplying only the node and server parameters results in a list of all the engines owned by the named node and server. Supplying only the cluster parameter results in a list of all the engines that are owned by the named cluster. All other parameter combinations are illegal.


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Use the listSIBJMSConnectionFactories command to list all of the JMS connection factories for the default messaging provider at the scope that you specify.


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Use the listSIBJMSQueues command to list all the JMS queues for the default messaging provider at the specified scope.


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The listSIBJMSTopics command lists all the JMS topics for the default messaging provider at the specified scope.


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The listSIBMediations command lists the mediations on a named SIB bus.


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The listSIBusMember command lists all of the servers and the clusters that are members of the named SIB bus.


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The listSIBuses command lists all the SIB buses in the cell.


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The listSSLRepertoires command lists all of the
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration instances that you can associate with an SSL inbound channel.

SSLInboundChannel instance for which the SSLConfig candidates are listed.

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ServerManagement group

The listServers command returns a list of servers.


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ServerManagement group

List server templates.


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ServerManagement group

Display all the current server types. For example, APPLICATION_SERVER, WEB_SERVER, GENERIC_SERVER.

The node name for which you want to list the valid types. For example, the types that are only valid on z/OS will appear on a z/OS node. (String, optional)

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The listTCPEndPoints command lists all the named end points that can be associated with a TCP inbound channel.

TCPInboundChannel instance for which named end points candidates are listed. (ObjectName, required)

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The listTCPThreadPools command lists all of the thread pools that can be associated with a TCP inbound channel or TCP outbound channel.

TCPInboundChannel or TCPOutboundChannel instance for which ThreadPool candidates are listed. (ObjectName, required)

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UnmanagedNodeCommands group

Use the listUnmanagedNodes command to list the unmanaged nodes in a configuration.


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Use the mediateSIBDestination command to mediate a bus destination. The bus, destination, and mediation definitions must exist prior to using this command. The destination must not be mediated already.


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NodeGroupCommands group

The modifyNodeGroup command modifies the configuration of a node group. The node group name cannot be changed. However, its short name and description are supported. Also, its node membership can be modified.

The target object is the node group name. This target object is required.

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NodeGroupCommands group

The modifyNodeGroupProperty command modifies custom properties for a node group

The name of the node group. This target object is required.

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Use the modifySIBDestination command to modify the attributes of a SIB destination. The bus and name parameters are used to identify the SIB destination and cannot be modified.


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Use the modifySIBEngine command to modify the attributes of a bus messaging engine. The bus, node, server, cluster, and engine parameters are used to identify the engine and cannot be modified. A server can have one messaging engine only. When using this command to modify a messaging engine from a server, the engine name is not required. However, because a cluster can have more than one messaging engine, the engine name must be supplied.


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Use the modifySIBJMSActivationSpec command to modify the properties of an activation specification.


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Use the modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory command to modify a unified JMS connection factory at the current scope.


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Use the modifySIBJMSQueue command to modify a unified JMS queue at the current scope.


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Use the modifySIBJMSTopic command to modify the JMS topic at the current scope.


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Use this command to modify the attributes of a SIB mediation.The bus and mediationName parameters identify the mediation and cannot be modified.


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The modifySIBus command to modifies the attributes of the named bus. The bus parameter identifies the bus to modify, and is not used to change the name of the bus.


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The modifySIBusMember command modifies the attributes of the bus member identified by the bus, node, server, and cluster parameters.


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CoreGroupManagement group

The moveClusterToCoreGroup command moves all of the servers in a cluster that you specify from a core group to another core group. All of the servers in a cluster must be members of the same core group.


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CoreGroupManagement group

The moveServerToCoreGroup command moves a server to a core group that you specify. When the server is added to the core group that you specify, it is removed from the core group where it originally resided.


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SIBWebServices group

The publishSIBWSInboundService command publishes the WSDL document for the inbound service and the associated ports to the registry and the business that is defined by the UDDIPublication object.

The object name of the inbound service object.

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SIBWebServices group

The refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL command loads the WSDL document from the WSDLLocation parameters of the inbound service and locates the WSDLLocation-specified service element. If the service element is not present, this command fails. If the outbound ports are not a subset of the ports in the loaded WSDL document, this command fails.

If the WSDL is retrieved through a proxy, the server on which the command is running must have the system properties that identify the proxy server set correctly.

The object name of the inbound service object.

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SIBWebServices group

The refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL command loads the WSDL document from the WSDLLocation parameters of the outbound service and locates the WSDLLocation-specified service element. If the service element is not present, this command fails. If the outbound ports are not a subset of the ports in the loaded WSDL document, this command fails.

If the WSDL will be retrieved through a proxy, the server on which the command is running must have the system properties that identify the proxy server set correctly.

The object name of the outbound service object.

Batch mode example usage:

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NodeGroupCommands group

The removeNodeGroup command removes the configuration of a node group. You can remove a node group if it does not contain any members. Also, the default node group cannot be removed.

The name of the node group to be removed. This target object is required.

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NodeGroupCommands group

The removeNodeGroupMember command removes the configuration of a node group member.

The target object is the node group containing the member to be removed. This target object is required.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



NodeGroupCommands group

The removeNodeGroupProperty command removes custom properties of a node group.

The name of the node group. This target object is required.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



SIBWebServices group

The removeSIBWSInboundPort command removes the configuration of an inbound port.

The object name of the inbound port object that you want to remove.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



SIBWebServices group

The removeSIBWSOutboundPort command removes the configuration of an outbound port. If the port that you delete is the default port for the outbound service, one of the remaining ports, if any, is chosen as the new default. Resources that are associated with the outbound port, for example, WS-Security configuration, are disassociated from the outbound port, but not deleted.

The object name of the outbound port object that you want to remove.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




The removeSIBusMember command removes a server or a cluster from a SIB bus. This command also deletes all SIB messaging engines that are associated with the bus, all queue points and publication points that are owned by those engines, and all queue point references and publication point references that refer to the deleted queue points and publication points.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



UnmanagedNodeCommands group

Use the removeUnmanagedNode command to remove an unmanaged node from the configuration.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



WSGateway group

The removeWSGWTargetService command removes a target service from the gateway service. The destinations that are associated with the target service are not deleted. If the target service that you remove is the default target service, the default is set to the first target service in the set or cleared if none are left.

The object name of the TargetService object.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



SIBWebServices group

The setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort command updates the default outbound port for an outbound service.

The object name of the outbound service whose default port you want to update.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBDestination command to get the attribute names and values of a SIB destination. The bus and name parameter identify the SIB destination whose attributes are required.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBEngine command to get the attribute names and values of a SIB messaging engine that belongs to a given bus member. If the bus member is a server, only the bus, node, and server parameters are required. A server has one engine only, so the engine parameter is not necessary. If the bus member is a cluster, the bus, cluster, and engine parameters must be supplied, because a cluster can have more than one engine.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




The showSIBJMSActivationSpec command shows details about a JMS activation specification.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




The showSIBJMSConnectionFactory command shows details about a JMS connection factory.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBJMSQueue command to show the details about a JMS queue.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




The showSIBJMSTopic command shows the details for a JMS topic.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBMediation command to get the attribute names and values of a SIB mediation.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBus command to get the attribute names and values of a SIB bus.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




Use the showSIBusMemeber command to get the attribute names and values of a SIB bus member.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



ServerManagement group

The showServerInfo command returns the information for a server that you specify.

The configuration ID of the server. (required)

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



ServerManagement group

The showServerTypeInfo command displays information about a specific server type.

A server type. For example, APPLICATION_SERVER. (String, required)

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



ServerManagement group

Display the metadata information for a specific server template.

The server type, for example, APPLICATION_SERVER. (String, required)

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:







Interactive mode example usage:




Use the unmediateSIBDestination command to unmediate the named destination on the named bus. Unmediating a destination removes the association between a SIB destination and a SIB mediation.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:



SIBWebServices group

The unpublishSIBWSInboundService command removes the WSDL document for the inbound service, including the ports from the registry and the business that is defined by the UDDI publication object.

The object name of the inbound service object.

Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:




The updateAppOnCluster command can be used to synchronize nodes and restart cluster members for an application update that is deployed to a cluster. After an application update, this command can be used to synchronize the nodes without stopping all the cluster members on all the nodes at one time.

This command synchronizes one node at a time. Each node is synchronized by stopping the cluster members on which the application is targeted, performing a node synchronization operation, and restarting the
cluster members.

This command might take more time than the default connector timeout period, depending on the number of nodes that the target
cluster spans. Be sure to set proper timeout values in the soap.client.props file, when a SOAP connector is used, and in the sas.client.props file, when a RMI connector is used.

This command is not supported in local mode.


Batch mode example usage:

Interactive mode example usage:


Related concepts

AdminTask object for scripted administration

Searchable topic ID: rxml_admintask