CWUDVnnnns (Web Services UDDI Value Set Tools) messages
CWUDVnnnns (Web Services UDDI Value Set Tools) messages
CWUDV0001E: Unable to find the properties file: >Property File>.
Explanation: The named property file could not be located.
User Response: Supply the correct location of the property file.
CWUDV0002E: The column and string delimiters must not be the same.
Explanation: The column and string delimiters cannot be the same.
User Response: Supply different characters for the column and string delimiters.
CWUDV0003E: A tModel for key <tModel Key> can not be found.
Explanation: The tModel for the given key cannot be found.
User Response: Supply a correct tModel key.
CWUDV0004E: Invalid command arguments.
Explanation: A command argument has been supplied that is unknown.
User Response: Check your arguments with the Usage information given with this error message.
CWUDV0005E: Different tModel keys are required when using -newKey.
Explanation: Two unique tModel keys are required to move a Value Set from one tModel to another.
User Response: Supply two unique tModel keys.
CWUDV0006E: Unable to find the value set data file: <Value Set File>.
Explanation: The named value set file could not be located.
User Response: Supply the correct location of the value set file.
CWUDV0007E: There is an unterminated string on line <Line Number>:<Line>.
Explanation: The line at <Line Number> has a starting string delimiter, but not a finishing one.
User Response: Correct the line, or consider using a different string delimiter (-stringDelimiter)
CWUDV0008E: There were fewer fields than expected on line <Line Number>:<Line>.
Explanation: The line at <Line Number> does not contain enough fields.
User Response: Correct the line, of consider using a different column delimiter (-columnDelimiter).
CWUDV0009E: There were more fields than expected on line <Line Number>:<Line>.
Explanation: The line at <Line Number> contains too many fields.
User Response: Correct the line, or consider using a different column delimiter (-columnDelimiter).
CWUDV0010E: There is a duplicate Key Code at the same level on line <Line Number>.
Explanation: The Value Set file contains two or more Key Codes of the sasme value for the same parent key code.
User Response: Correct the line.
CWUDV0011E: An invalid Parent Key Code has been detected on line <Line Number>.
Explanation: The Value Set file contains a parent key code that is invalid in its context.
User Response: Correct the parent key code.
CWUDV0012E: The value set file contains a value <Column Contents> in column <Column Number> at line <Line Number> that is too long for the database table.
Explanation: The Value Set file contains a value that is too large.
User Response: Decrease the size of the value.
CWUDV0013E: An IO Exception has occurred: <IO Exception Message>.
Explanation: An IO Exception was received when trying to read the Value Set file.
User Response: Ensure the Value Set file is readable and is in UTF-8 format.
CWUDV0014E: There was a problem reading from the properties file: <IO Exception Message>.
Explanation: An IO Exception was received when trying to read the Value Set file.
User Response: Ensure the Value Set file is readable and is in UTF-8 format.
CWUDV0016E: Unable to find the UDDI JMX MBean. Verify UDDI
is installed.
Explanation: The UDDI application could not be contacted.
User Response: Ensure UDDI is installed and running on the Host you have targeted. See arguments -host, -port, -node and -server.
CWUDV0017E: An unexpected Exception has occurred.
Explanation: An unexpected exception was received.
User Response: Examine the Exception stack trace on its cause.
If the problem cannot be resolver, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDV1001W: The tModel with key <tModel Key> is checked.
To confirm this operation, enter the command with the -override argument.
Explanation: The targeted tModel has a "checked" status and therefore should not have its value set changed without care.
User Response: To confirm this operation, enter the command with the -override argument.
CWUDV1002W: The tModel with key <tModel Key> has existing value sets. To confirm this operation, enter the command with the -override argument.
Explanation: The targeted to be loaded already has a value set.
User Response: To confirm this operation and overwrite the existing value set, enter the command with the -override argument.
CWUDV1003W: UDDI Registry Message: <Number of Lines>
lines of data file for tModel key <tModel Key>.
Explanation: UDDI Registry message was received.
User Response: Examine the message on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDV2001I: Loaded <Number of Lines> line of data file for tModel key <tModelKey>.
Explanation: An informational message that confirms the number of value set lines loaded for the tModel.
User Response:
CWUDV2002I: Changed value set from tModel key <tModel Key> to tModel key <tModel Key>.
Explanation: An informational message that confirms the change of value set from one tModel to another.
User Response: None.
CWUDV2003I: Unloaded value set for tModel key <tModel Key>.
Explanation: An informational message that confirms the removal of the value set for the tModel.