Explanation: The SOAP servlet was unable to locate the schemas it requires in order to process SOAP requests. Without these, the servlet cannot process SOAP requests.
User Response: Check installation of UDDI was performed correctly.
If the error persists, examine the WebSphere logs for information on its cause.
If the problem cannot be resolved, then contact the IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDS0003W: Servlet unable to locate init parameter 'defaultPoolSize'.
Using internal defaults.
Explanation: The SOAP servlet was unable to locate the init parameter which sets the default size of the ParserPool. It will fall back to an internal default.
User Response: If this message occurred after attempting to make changes to the defaultPoolSize init parameter, ensure the changes were correct.
If this message has appeared after installed, ensure installation was performed correctly.
CWUDS0004W: Servlet unable to understand init parameter 'defaultPoolSize'. Using internal defaults.
Explanation: The SOAP servlet was unable to parse the init parameter which sets the default size of the ParserPool. It will fall back to an internal default.
User Response: If this message occurred after attempting to make changes to the defaultPoolSize init parameter, ensure the changes were correct.
If this message has appeared after installed, ensure installation was performed correctly.
CWUDS0005E: Error occurred during parser creation.
Explanation: An unspecified error occurred during the creation of a SOAP parser
User Response: Restart the UDDI registry. If the error persists,
examine the WebSphere logs for information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, then contact the IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDS0006E: Internal configuration error.
Explanation: This error may occur if there was a failure creating a Parser, with accompanying message CWUDS0005. It may also occur if there was a problem acquiring the Persistence layer.
User Response: Restart the UDDI registry. If the error persists,
examine the WebSphere logs for information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, then please contact the IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDS0007E: Error during servlet acquisition of persistence layer.
Explanation: The SOAP servlet was unable to acquire the persistence layer required for it to communicate with the UDDI datasource
User Response: Restart the UDDI registry. If the error persists,
examine the WebSphere logs for information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, then contact the IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDS0008E: Error during servlet release of persistence layer.
Explanation: The persistence layer reported a problem when the SOAP servlet attempted to release it.
User Response: Restart the UDDI registry. If the error persists,
examine the WebSphere logs for information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, then contact the IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDS0009E: Error during sending of response to client.
Explanation: An error occurred when sending a SOAP response message back to a client. The client may not have received the response
User Response: This error is recorded to enable logging of failed responses to clients. The error may be the fault of the client disconnecting before the reply could be sent, or may indicate a network problem. Examine the WebSphere logs for more information on its cause.
CWUDS0010E: Serious error while servlet attempting to process doPost Request.
Explanation: A serious error occurred processing a UDDI Version 1 or Version 2 SOAP request.
User Response: Check the validity of the UDDI Version 1 or Version 2 SOAP request.
CWUDS0011E: incomplete URL received processing doGet Request.
Explanation: An incomplete or incorrect UDDI Version 3 GET request was received.
User Response: Check the validity of the UDDI Version 3 GET request URL.
CWUDS0012E: non-UDDI exception received processing doGet Request.
Explanation: A serious error occurred while processing a UDDI Version 3 GET request.
User Response: Check the validity of the UDDI Version 3 GET request URL.