CWUDQnnnns (Web Services UDDI Migration) messages


CWUDQnnnns (Web Services UDDI Migration) messages

CWUDQ0001I: UDDI registry migration datasource is present.

Explanation: The UDDI migration datasource is defined when UDDI is started.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ0002I: UDDI registry migration has started.

Explanation: The UDDI database migration process has started. This may take some time to complete dependent on the size of your database.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ0003I: UDDI registry migration has completed.

Explanation: The UDDI database migration process has finished.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ0004W: UDDI registry not started due to migration errors.

Explanation: The UDDI registry has not been activated because migration errors were encountered.

User Response: Examine the messages produced during the migration process. Determine if the problem is user fixable, that is the Version 2 database is quiesced and so on. If the problem is fixable recreate the Version 3 UDDI database and restart the UDDI application. If the problem cannot be rectified contact your IBM Customer Service Center. It is still possible to use the UDDI Administration Console to start the UDDI registry.

CWUDQ0005I: <rows> rows have been inserted into table <table>.

Explanation: An informational message showing the number of database rows converted for each UDDI table.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ10001E: Row not inserted into <table>.

Explanation: A row was unable to be inserted into a database table.

User Response: See CWUDQ1003E for details of the SQL Exception details

CWUDQ1002E: Table <table> values are: <Key Values>.

Explanation: Contains the table in error and the significant key values of the row being migrated.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ1003E: SQL Exception during migration: <SQL Exception Message>.

Explanation: An SQL Exception has occurred during the migration process. The SQL Exception details are displayed in the message.

User Response: Examine the SQL Exception information on its cause. Message CWUDQ1002E contains table details and significant key values. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDQ1004E: <rows> rows have not been inserted into table <table>.

Explanation: A message showing the number of database rows not converted for a particular UDDI table.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ1005E: SQL Exception during key value extraction: <SQL Exception Message>.

Explanation: An SQL Exception occurred during the production of the CWUDQ1002E message.

User Response: None.

CWUDQ1006E: Exception during migration: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception has occurred during the migration process. The Exception details are displayed in the message.

User Response: Examine the Exception information on its cause. Message CWUDQ1002E contains table details and significant key values. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.