CWUDM0001E: Unexpected error in MBean operation: <operation name>
Explanation: An internal error occurred processing the specified UddiNode MBean operation.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0002E: MBean transaction failed. Commit flag was:
Explanation: Failed to commit or rollback the current transaction.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
Explanation: Failed to invoke begin method on the UserTransaction.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0004E: MBean transaction connection failed to release.
Explanation: Failed to release connection after transaction committed or rolled back.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0005E: MBean could not establish control with persistence manager.
Explanation: Message is self-explanatory.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0006E: MBean could not acquire connection for UDDI
Explanation: Message is self-explanatory.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0007E: UddiNode MBean with ObjectName <ObjectName value> could not be recognized.
Explanation: The UddiNode MBean for the UDDI application could not be unregistered from the MBeanServer.
User Response: Restart the UDDI application or the application server. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center, supplying the ObjectName value reported in the message (if present).
CWUDM0008W: MBean notification for event <notification identifier> failed.
Explanation: Message is self-explanatory.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0009W: A UddiNode MBean is already registered.
Explanation: There is a UddiNode MBean registered in the same cell, node and server.
User Response: Ensure there is only one UDDI application deployed in the server. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0020E: Unable to retrieve UDDI node ID.
Explanation: A database error occurred.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0021E: Unable to retrieve UDDI node state.
Explanation: A database error occurred.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0022E: Unable to retrieve UDDI node application name.
Explanation: A database error occurred.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0023E: Unable to retrieve UDDI node description.
Explanation: A database error occurred.
User Response: Check database connectivity and UDDI application installation configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0024E: Unable to activate UDDI node.
Explanation: An error occurred trying to activate the UDDI node.
User Response: Check the running state of the UDDI application.
Restart the application if necessary. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0025I: Unable to activate a UDDI node that is not initialized.
Explanation: The UDDI node must be initialized (and in deactivated state) before it can be activated.
User Response: If the UDDI node is ready to be initialized, invoke the initialization operation.
CWUDM0026E: Unable to deactivate UDDI node.
Explanation: An error occurred trying to deactivate the UDDI node.
User Response: Check the running state of the UDDI application.
Restart the application if necessary. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0027I: Unable to deactivate UDDI node that is not initialized.
Explanation: The UDDI node must be initialized (and activated)
before it can be deactivated.
User Response: If the UDDI node is ready to be initialized, invoke the initialization operation.
CWUDM0028E: Unable to initialize UDDI node.
Explanation: An error occurred during UDDI node initialization.
User Response: Check the UDDI application installation and datasource settings. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0029I: Unable to initialize UDDI node because a required property is missing or invalid: <property name>.
Explanation: A configuration property that is required for UDDI
node initialization has not been populated.
User Response: Supply a value for the required property.
CWUDM0030I: Initialize operation did not occur because the UDDI node is already initialized.
Explanation: A UDDI node can only be initialized once.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0031I: Initialize operation did not occur because the UDDI node is in default configuration and is already initialized.
Explanation: A UDDI node can only be initialized once.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0032I: The initialize operation is already in progress.
Explanation: A UDDI node can only be initialized once.
User Response: Wait until the current initialization operation completes.
CWUDM0050I: The UDDI publisher with user name <user ID> does not exist.
Explanation: An operation that requires a UDDI publisher ID could not find a publisher with that ID.
User Response: Check the UDDI publisher is registered with the UDDI node using the administrative functions available.
CWUDM0051E: Unable to create UDDI publisher with user name <user ID>.
Explanation: An error occurred trying to register the UDDI publisher.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0052I: Unable to create UDDI publisher for user name <user ID> because a UDDI publisher with that name already exists.
Explanation: The UDDI publisher is already registered.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0053E: Unable to delete UDDI publisher with user name <user ID>.
Explanation: An error occurred trying to register the UDDI publisher.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0054I: Unable to delete UDDI publisher with user name <user ID> because that UDDI publisher does not exist.
Explanation: The UDDI publisher is not registered so cannot be removed.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0055E: Unable to create a UDDI publisher with user name <user ID> because one or more entitlement identifiers are invalid.
Explanation: UddiUser objects must contain Entitlement objects with valid entitlement IDs.
User Response: Use valid entitlement IDs for Entitlement objects.
Valid IDs can be found in the EntitlementConstants interface.
CWUDM0056E: Unable to update UDDI publisher with user name <user ID>.
Explanation: An error occurred trying to update the UDDI publisher.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0057E: Unable to update UDDI publisher with user name <user ID> because one or more entitlement identifiers are invalid.
Explanation: UddiUser objects must contain Entitlement objects with valid entitlement IDs.
User Response: Use valid entitlement IDs for Entitlement objects.
Valid IDs can be found in the EntitlementConstants interface.
CWUDM0058I: Unable to update the UDDI publisher with user name <user ID> because that UDDI publisher does not exist.
Explanation: The UDDI publisher is not registered so cannot be updated.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0059E: Unable to retrieve information for UDDI publisher with user name <user ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0060E: Unable to retrieve collection of UDDI publishers.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0061E: Unable to get tier assigned to UDDI publisher with user name <user ID>.
Explanation: This may be because the UDDI publisher with the specified user name does not exist, or because a database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the UDDI publisher exists. If it does, check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0062E: Unable to create UDDI publishers with user names: <user IDs>.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0070E: Unable to create tier with ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0071E: Unable to delete tier with ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: This may because the tier with the specified ID does not exist, or because a database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the tier ID. If it does exist, check UDDI
application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0072E: Unable to retrieve information for tier with ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: This may be because the supplied tier ID is not an integer, or the tier with the ID does not exist, or because of a database error performing the operation.
User Response: Check the tier ID is an integer and the tier exists.
If it does exist, check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity.
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0073E: Unable to retrieve collection of tiers.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0074E: Unable to set default tier to tier ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: This may be because the tier with the specified ID
does not exist, or because a database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the tier ID. If it does exist, check UDDI
application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0075E: Unable to update tier with ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: This is most likely because the tier with the specified ID does not exist, or because a database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the tier ID. If it does exist, check UDDI
application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0076E: Unable to get count of UDDI publishers for tier ID: <tier ID>.
Explanation: This may be because the tier with the specified ID
does not exist, or because a database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the tier ID. If it does exist, check UDDI
application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0077E: Unable to retrieve collection of entitlements.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0078E: Unable to retrieve collection of limits.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0079I: The default tier cannot be deleted.
Explanation: A tier must always exist that is designated as the tier assigned to UDDI publishers when auto-registration of UDDI publishers is enabled.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0080I: Unable to delete tier <tier ID> because it is currently assigned to a UDDI publisher.
Explanation: Tiers which have UDDI publishers assigned to them cannot be deleted.
User Response: If you want to remove the tier, assign the UDDI
publishers to a different tier first.
CWUDM0100E: Unable to get configuration property information for property with ID: <property ID>
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0101I: Unable to get configuration property information for property with ID: <property ID> because it does not exist.
Explanation: The configuration property with the specified ID does not exist.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0102E: Unable to retrieve collection of configuration properties.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0103E: Unable to update configuration properties.
Explanation: This may occur if any of the updated property objects fails validation. Check any cause exceptions for possible additional information.
Alternatively database error may have occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0104E: Unable to update configuration property with ID: <property ID>
Explanation: This may occur if the updated property object fails validation. Check any cause exceptions for possible additional information.
Alternatively a database error may have occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0105I: Unable to update configuration property with ID: <property ID> because it does not exist.
Explanation: The configuration property with the specified ID does not exist.
User Response: Use a valid configuration property ID. These can be found in PropertyConstants.
CWUDM0106I: Unable to update configuration properties because one or more properties do not exist in the UDDI node.
Explanation: One or more supplied configuration properties do not exist in the UDDI registry.
User Response: Use valid configuration property IDs. These can be found in PropertyConstants.
CWUDM0107E: Failed to retrieve required properties from database.
Explanation: This indicates a database error occurred when trying to initialize a UDDI node.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0120E: Unable to get policy information for policy with ID: <policy ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0121I: Unable to get policy information for policy with ID: <policy ID> because it does not exist.
Explanation: The policy with the specified ID does not exist.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0122E: Unable to get policy group with group ID:
<policy group ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0123E: Unable to retrieve collection of policy groups.
Explanation: A database error occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0124E: Unable to update policies.
Explanation: This may occur if any of the updated policy objects fails validation. Check any cause exceptions for possible additional information.
Alternatively a database error may have occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Ensure all policy IDs and values are valid. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0125E: Unable to update policy with ID: <policy ID>.
Explanation: This may occur if the updated policy object fails validation or the ID isn't recognized. Check any cause exceptions for possible additional information. Alternatively a database error may have occurred performing the operation.
User Response: Check the policy ID and value are valid. Check UDDI
application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0126I: Unable to get policy group information for policy group with ID: <policy group ID> because itdoes not exist.
Explanation: The policy group with the specified ID does not exist.
User Response: Use a valid policy group ID. These can be found in PolicyConstants.
CWUDM0127I: Unable to update policies because one or more policies do not exist in the UDDI node.
Explanation: One or more supplied policies do not exist in the UDDI registry.
User Response: Use valid policy IDs. These can be found in PolicyConstants.
CWUDM0128I: Unable to update policy with ID: <policy ID> because it does not exist.
Explanation: The policy with the specified ID does not exist.
User Response: Use a valid policy ID. These can be found in PolicyConstants.
CWUDM0140E: Unable to change value set tModelKey from <original tModel key> to <new tModel key>.
Explanation: The original tModel key or new tModel key supplied could not be found in the UDDI registry, or possibly there was a database error.
User Response: Supply keys for tModels that exist in the UDDI registry.
Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0141E: Unable to retrieve value set details for tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: A database error occurred getting the value set details.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0142E: Unable to get value set property: <value set property ID> for value set with tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: The value set property ID or tModel key supplied was not recognized.
User Response: Supply a valid value set property ID and tModel key. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0143E: Unable to retrieve value sets collection.
Explanation: A database error may have occurred.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0144E: Unable to determine if value set with tModel key: <tModel key> exists.
Explanation: The tModel key supplied is not valid or a database error may have occurred.
User Response: Ensure the tModel exists. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0145E: Unable to load value set data for value set with tModel key: <tModel key> and file name <1>.
Explanation: The original tModel key or new tModel key supplied could not be found in the UDDI registry, or possibly there was a database error.
User Response: Ensure the tModel exists and the value set data object is populated. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity.
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0146E: Unable to load value set data for value set with tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: The tModel key is not recognized or a database error occurred.
User Response: Ensure the tModel exists and the value set data object is populated. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity.
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0147E: Could not update value set status with tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: The value set status object supplied is null or the tModel key is not known.
User Response: Supply a valid value set status object with tModel key for a value set tModel that exists. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0148E: Could not update value set status with tModel key: <tModel key>, property: <value set property ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred updating the supported status of the value set status.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0149E: Could not update value set status with tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: One of the supplied value set status objects contained a tModel key which was not recognized.
User Response: Supply tModel keys for value set tModels that exist.
Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0150E: Could not update value set status with tModel key: <tModel key>, property: <value set property ID>.
Explanation: A database error occurred updating the supported status of one of the value set status objects.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0151E: Unable to unload value set data with tModel key: <tModel key>.
Explanation: The tModel key is not recognized or a database error occurred.
User Response: Ensure the tModel exists. Check UDDI application configuration and database connectivity. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0170E: Loading of configuration file <configuration file URL> failed.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0171E: Parsing of configuration file <configuration file URL> failed.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0172W: An unexpected date format was found while parsing configuration file.
User Response: Check UDDI application configuration. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM Customer Service Center.
CWUDM0180I: UDDI node was activated.
Explanation: The UDDI node is ready to accept UDDI API requests.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0181I: UDDI node was deactivated.
Explanation: The UDDI node is set to not accept UDDI API requests.
This typically occurs when configuration settings are being updated by administrative tasks.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0182I: UDDI node initialized successfully.
Explanation: The UDDI node is ready to accept UDDI API requests.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0183I: UDDI publisher <user ID> was created.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0184I: UDDI publisher <user ID> was updated.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0185I: UDDI publisher <user ID> was deleted.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0189I: Configuration property <property ID> was updated to value <property value>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0190I: Policy <policy ID> was updated to value <policy value>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0191I: Default tier was set to <tier ID>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0192I: Loaded value set for tModel key <tModel key> from file <1>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0193I: Loaded value set for tModel key <tModel key>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0194I: Unloaded value set for tModel key <tModel key>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0195I: Updated value set supported status for tModel key <tModel key> to <supported status>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0196I: Changed tModel key for value set from <original tModel key> to <new tModel key>.
Explanation: This message indicates the administrative operation completed successfully.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0220W: <value or ID> is too short. The length must be in the range <minimum length> to <maximum length> characters.
Explanation: A value or ID of type String is shorter than expected.
User Response: Supply a value or ID that is in the expected range.
CWUDM0221W: <value or ID> is too long. The length must be in the range <minimum length> to <maximum length> characters.
Explanation: A value or ID of type String is longer than expected.
User Response: Supply a value or ID that is in the expected range.
CWUDM0222W: <value or ID> is read-only and cannot be updated.
Explanation: The configuration setting is marked as read only,
which may be because the setting is for information only, or because the setting is configured once during UDDI node initialization, such as the UDDI node ID or root key generator.
User Response: None.
CWUDM0223W: <value or ID> is required.
Explanation: The configuration setting expects a value to be entered.
User Response: Supply a non-empty, valid value for the configuration setting.
CWUDM0224W: <value or ID> must be a valid URL value.
Explanation: The configuration property is expected to be a valid URL.
User Response: Supply a valid URL.
CWUDM0225W: <value or ID> must be a valid xml:lang value.
Explanation: The configuration property supplied is not a valid xml:lang value.
User Response: Supply a valid xml:lang value.
CWUDM0226W: <value or ID> must be of type: <value type>.
Explanation: The value or ID is not of the expected type.
User Response: Supply a value or ID of the correct type.
CWUDM0227W: <value or ID> cannot be a null value.
Explanation: A property ID was expected but a null value was supplied.
User Response: Supply a valid, non-null ID.
CWUDM0228W: <value or ID> must be in the range <minimum value> to <maximum value>.
Explanation: The value is not in the expected range
User Response: Supply a value in the expected range.
CWUDM0229W: The entitlement object with ID: <entitlement ID> is not valid.
Explanation: The UDDI application doesn't recognize the entitlement with the supplied ID.
User Response: Supply a valid entitlement ID, which can be found in EntitlementConstants.
CWUDM0230W: The limit object with ID: <limit ID> is not valid.
Explanation: The UDDI application doesn't recognize the limit with the supplied ID.
User Response: Supply a valid limit ID, which can be found in LimitConstants.
CWUDM0231W: <value> must be a valid UDDI key value.
Explanation: The value supplied was not a UDDI key.
User Response: UDDI keys must start with the text 'uddi:'. See the UDDI specification for further information about UDDI keys.
CWUDM0232W: <value> must be a valid UDDI key generator key.
Explanation: The value supplied was not a UDDI key generator.
User Response: UDDI key generator values must be valid UDDI keys and end in the string 'keygenerator'. See the UDDI specification for further information about UDDI keys.
CWUDM0240W: The configuration property ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0241W: The policy group ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0242W: The policy ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0243W: The entitlement ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0244W: The limit ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0245W: The user ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0246W: The tier ID cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The ID supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty ID, valid for the context in which it is used.
CWUDM0250W: The configuration property parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty configuration property parameter.
CWUDM0251W: The policy group parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty policy group parameter.
CWUDM0252W: The policy parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty policy parameter.
CWUDM0253W: The entitlement parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty entitlement parameter.
CWUDM0254W: The limit parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty limit parameter.
CWUDM0255W: The user parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty user (UDDI publisher)
CWUDM0256W: The tier parameter cannot be null or empty.
Explanation: The parameter supplied was null or empty.
User Response: Supply a non-null, non-empty tier parameter.
CWUDM0257I: The collection cannot be null.
Explanation: The collection (typically a list of properties, policies,
tiers or users to update) parameter supplied was null.
User Response: Supply a non-null collection parameter.