CWUDDnnnns (Web Services UDDI Deployment and Removal) messages


CWUDDnnnns (Web Services UDDI Deployment and Removal) messages

CWUDD0001I: Attempting to deploy UDDI Registry application.

Explanation: The UDDI deployment process is starting.

User Response: None. .

CWUDD0002W: Failed to discard unsaved changes caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>

Explanation: This warning message indicates that changes in the wsadmin session previous to running the uddiDeploy.jacl script cannot be discarded. The <Exception Message> describes the error that occurred.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0003I: Application Manager found.

Explanation: An active Application Manager can be used to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0004I: Application Manager unavailable, application will not be started/stopped.

Explanation: No active Application Manager can be found so there is no need to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0005I: Application Manager not running, application will not be started/stopped.

Explanation: Application Manager has been found, but it is not running so there is no need to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0006I: Checking for installed UDDI Registry application of name appname. Value is: <UDDI Application Name>

Explanation: The deployment script is checking for deployed UDDI applications.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0007I: Stopping application of name appname. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: Attempting to stop a deployed UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0008W: Stopping application appname caught exception Exc. Application might not have been running on this server. Values are: <Application Name> <Exception Message>

Explanation: The UDDI application stop request failed.

User Response: Attempt to stop the UDDI application via the Administration Console and rerun the uddiDeploy.jacl script.

CWUDD0009I: Application appname stopped successfully. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The UDDI application has stopped successfully.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0010I: Removing application appname. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The deployment script is attempting to remove an existing UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0011I: Application appname removed successfully. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The UDDI application has been removed from the configuration.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0012I: Attempting to create default UDDI datasource.

Explanation: A default UDDI deployment has been requested and therefore a Cloudscape datasource will be created.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0013I: Multiple Cloudscape JDBC Providers found. Using first in list.

Explanation: The deployment script has detected a number of suitable Cloudscape JDBC providers and will use the first.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0014I: UDDI Datasource name successfully created. Value is: <Datasource Name>

Explanation: A Cloudscape datasource has been created for the default UDDI deployment.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0015I: Setting application classloader mode.

Explanation: The UDDI application requires PARENT_LAST class loading.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0016I: Altered classloader mode of application appname from oldmode to newmode. Values are: <Application Name> <Old Classloader Mode> <New Classloader Mode>

Explanation: The UDDI application class loader has been successfully changed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0017I: Setting classloader mode for application modules.

Explanation: The UDDI application web modules require PARENT_LAST class loading.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0018I: Altered classloader mode of module modname in application appname from oldmode to newmode. Values are: <Web Module Name> <Application Name> <Old Classloader Mode> <New Classloader Mode>

Explanation: The UDDI Web modules class loader mode has been successfully changed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0019I: UDDI successfully deployed.

Explanation: UDDI has been successfully deployed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0020I: Attempting to save new configuration.

Explanation: Attempting to save the configuration after removing any existing UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0021I: Changes saved successfully.

Explanation: The configuration changes have been successfully saved.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0022I: Attempting to save new configuration.

Explanation: Attempting to save the configuration after installing the UDDI application ear.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0023W: Changes saved successfully.

Explanation: The configuration changes have been successfully saved.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0024I: Attempting to save new configuration.

Explanation: Attempting to save the configuration after changing the class loader modes.

User Response: None.

CWUDD0025I: Changes saved successfully.

Explanation: The configuration changes have been successfully saved.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1001W: Failed to discard unsaved changes caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>

Explanation: This warning message indicates that changes in the wsadmin session previous to running the uddiDeploy.jacl script cannot be discarded. The <Exception Message> describes the error that occurred.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1002I: Application Manager found.

Explanation: An active Application Manager can be used to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1003I: Application Manager unavailable, application will not be started/stopped.

Explanation: No active Application Manager can be found so there is no need to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1004I: Application Manager not running, application will not be started/stopped.

Explanation: Application Manager has been found, but is not running so there is no need to stop and start UDDI on the deployment server.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1005I: Stopping application of name appname. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: Attempting to stop a deployed UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1006W: Stopping application appname caught exception Exc. Application might not have been running on this server. Values are: <Application Name> <Exception Message>

Explanation: The UDDI application stop request failed.

User Response: Attempt to stop the UDDI application via the Administration Console and rerun the uddiDeploy.jacl script.

CWUDD1007I: Application appname stopped successfully. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The UDDI application has stopped executing.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1008I: Removing application appname. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The removal script is attempting to remove the UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1009I: Attempting to remove UDDI Registry application.

Explanation: The UDDI removal process is starting.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1010I: Application appname removed successfully. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The UDDI application has been removed from the configuration.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1011I: Attempting to remove the default UDDI datasource.

Explanation: A default UDDI removal has been requested and therefore the Cloudscape datasource used for UDDI will be removed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1012I: UDDI Datasource name successfully removed. Value is: <Datasource Name>

Explanation: The UDDI Cloudscape datasource has been removed from the configuration.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1013I: UDDI Datasource name does not exist. No action required. Value is: <Datasource Name>

Explanation: The default UDDI Cloudscape datasource does not exist in this configuration and therefore does not need to be removed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1014I: UDDI Registry application and default UDDI datasource removed successfully.

Explanation: UDDI has been successfully removed from the configuration.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1015I: Attempting to save new configuration.

Explanation: Attempting to save the configuration after removing the UDDI application.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1016I: Changes saved successfully.

Explanation: The configuration changes have been successfully saved.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1017I: UDDI Registry application removed successfully.

Explanation: UDDI has been successfully removed from the configuration.

User Response: None.

CWUDD1018W: Application appname is not installed. Value is: <Application Name>

Explanation: The UDDI application has not been deployed and therefore the application cannot be removed.

User Response: None.

CWUDD3001I: Commencing UDDI Cloudscape database creation

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that creation of the UDDI Cloudscape database is being started.

User Response: None

CWUDD3002I: Path to scripts='<DBscriptsLocation>'.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates the location (path) of the scripts for creating the UDDI database, in the <DBscriptsLocation> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3003I: Path of database='<DBlocation>'.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates the location (path) to be used for the UDDI Cloudscape database, in the <DBlocation> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3004I: Database name='<DBname>'.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates the name to be used for the UDDI Cloudscape database, in the <DBname> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3005I: Default profile requested

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the UDDI Cloudscape database is to be created as a default UDDI database, using the default UDDI profile.

User Response: None

CWUDD3006I: Default profile not requested

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the UDDI Cloudscape database is to be created as a non-default UDDI database.

User Response: None

CWUDD3007I: Attempting to create or connect to UDDI Cloudscape database container

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that an attempt is being made to create, or connect to, the database container for the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: None

CWUDD3008I: UDDI Cloudscape database container successfully created or connected to

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the database container for the UDDI Cloudscape database has been connected to successfully.

User Response: None

CWUDD3009I: UDDI Cloudscape database creation completed normally

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the UDDI Cloudscape database has been successfully created.

User Response: None

CWUDD3010I: Attempting to open DDL File List file of name FileName. Value is: FileName='<DDLlistFilename>'

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the DDL File List file, which lists the DDL Files (database scripts) to be used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database, has been successfully opened. The name of the DDL File List file is given in the <DDLlistFilename> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3011I: Reading the contents of the DDL File List file and verifying

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the contents of the DDL File List file are being read and verified.

User Response: None

CWUDD3012I: Comment from file: <DDLfileComment>

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that a comment line has been read from the DDL File List file, and shows the comment in the <DDLfileComment> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3013I: Line from file: <DDLfileLine>

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that a non-comment line has been read from the DDL File List file, and shows the line in the <DDLfileLine> insert.

User Response: None

CWUDD3014I: Extraneous attributes will be ignored

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that more attributes have been specified than are required, and that the extraneous attributes will be ignored.

User Response: None

CWUDD3015I: Skipping the Default Profile record because Default Profile was not requested

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the default UDDI profile was not requested, and that therefore the record in the DDL File List file for setting up the default profile will be skipped.

User Response: None

CWUDD3016I: Attempting to populate the database container with schema structures.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that an attempt is being made to add schemas to the UDDI Cloudscape database container.

User Response: None

CWUDD3017I: Attempting to load the Cloudscape JDBC driver.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that an attempt is being made to load the JDBC driver class for Cloudscape.

User Response: None

CWUDD3018I: Cloudscape JDBC driver successfully loaded

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the JDBC driver for Cloudscape has been successfully loaded.

User Response: None

CWUDD3019I: Processing DDL file DDLFile using Term as the terminator. Values are: DDLFile=<DDLfilename>, Term=<terminator>.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the DDLFile whose name is in the <DDLfilename> insert is being processed, with the character in the <terminator> insert being used as terminator.

User Response: None

CWUDD3020I: DDL file successfully processed. N statements processed. Value is: N=<numStatements>.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the current DDL file has been successfully processed, and that the number of statements indicated by the <numStatements> insert were processed.

User Response: None

CWUDD3021I: End of file reached

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the end of the current DDL file has been reached.

User Response: None

CWUDD3022I: Converting SQL string Str to Cloudscape syntax. Value is: Str=<SQLstring>.

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that the SQL string given in the <SQLstring> insert is being converted into an SQL syntax that is recognized by Cloudscape.

User Response: None

CWUDD3030I: UDDI Cloudscape database successfully completed

Explanation: This is an informational message. It indicates that creation of the UDDI Cloudscape database has completed successfully.

User Response: None

CWUDD4001E: An Exception Exc occurred during creation of UDDI Cloudscape database. Value is:

Explanation: An exception occurred during the attempt to create the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: The <exception> insert provides information that should help you diagnose the cause of the problem.

CWUDD4002E: Abnormal exit from creation of UDDI Cloudscape database.

Explanation: The attempt to create the UDDI Cloudscape database is exiting abnormally.

User Response: Examine the preceding messages to determine the reason for the abnormal exit.

CWUDD4003E: Insufficient arguments supplied

Explanation: Insufficient arguments have been supplied for creating the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: Retry the request, supplying the correct number of arguments.

CWUDD4004E: Usage is: java -jar <thisjar> <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> <arg4>


  • <thisjar> = name of jar file for creating UDDI Cloudscape Database

  • <arg1> = path to DDL (SQL) files

  • <arg2> = path to location for UDDI Cloudscape database

  • <arg3> = name of UDDI Cloudscape Database

  • <arg4> = (optional), if specified must be the string DEFAULT

Explanation: This message gives the correct usage syntax for creating the UDDI Cloudscape Database. It is issued when the incorrect syntax has been used.

User Response: Correct the syntax to match the usage indicated by the message. You might also need to specify the Cloudscape class library on the classpath, by using the -cp parameter on the java command. Refer to the Information Center documentation on setting up and deploying UDDI for more details.

CWUDD4005E: Creation of UDDI Cloudscape database was unsuccessful

Explanation: The attempt to create the UDDI Cloudscape database has been unsuccessful.

User Response: Examine the preceding messages to determine the reason for this failure.

CWUDD4006E: SQL Exception Exc encountered during database container creation. Value is: Exc=<exception>.

Explanation: An SQL exception occurred when attempting to create the database container for the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: The <exception> insert should contain information which will help you to diagnose the problem.

CWUDD4007E: DDL File List file not found

Explanation: The DDL File List file, used to specify the DDL files to be used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database, could not be found.

User Response: The DDL File List file should be included in the UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database, so this error indicates a possible corruption of that jar file. Check that you have a valid version of UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar.

CWUDD4008E: Invalid attribute Attr found in DDL File List file. Value should be true or false. Value is: Attr=<attribute>.

Explanation: An invalid attribute was found in the DDL File List file. The expected attribute is one of 'true' or 'false'. The <attribute> insert indicates the value that was found.

User Response: The DDL File List file is included in the UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database, so this error indicates a possible corruption of that jar file. Check that you have a valid version of UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar.

CWUDD4009E: Insufficient attributes found in DDL File List file.

Explanation: Insufficient attributes were found in the DDL File List file.

User Response: The DDL File List file should be included in the UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database, so this error indicates a possible corruption of that jar file. Check that you have a valid version of UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar.

CWUDD4010E: SQL exception Exc encountered during database population. Value is: Exc=<exception>.

Explanation: An SQL exception has occurred while populating the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: The <exception> insert contains the SQL exception which occurred. Use this to diagnose the problem.

CWUDD4011E: Delete existing UDDI Cloudscape database if it is to be overwritten with a new one.

Explanation: This message is issued when an exception has occurred while populating the UDDI Cloudscape database. A common cause of this problem is that a UDDI Cloudscape database already exists.

User Response: You can ignore this message if you want to keep the existing data in your existing UDDI Cloudscape Database. If you want to overwrite this with a new UDDI Cloudscape database, then you should delete the existing database, then and rerun the request. Previous messages will have shown the location and name of the UDDI Cloudscape database.

CWUDD4012E: Exception Exc occurred while trying to find the Cloudscape JDBC Provider. Value is: Exc=<exception>.

Explanation: An exception occurred while trying to find the Cloudscape JDBC driver class.

User Response: The <exception> insert contains the exception which occurred. Examine this to diagnose the problem.

CWUDD4013E: Ensure that the Cloudscape libraries are on the classpath

Explanation: This message is issued when an exception has occurred when trying to find the Cloudscape JDBC driver class. A common cause of this problem is that the classpath has not been set up to include the path to the Cloudscape class library.

User Response: Ensure that you have specified the Cloudscape class library on the request to create the Cloudscape UDDI database. Depending on how you issued the request, this might involve specifying the classpath on the wsadmin command used to invoke uddiDeploy.jacl, or on the java -jar command used to invoke the UDDICloudscapeCreate.jar file. Refer to the Information Center documentation on setting up and deploying UDDI for more details.

CWUDD4014E: Exception Exc occurred while processing SQL statement Str. Character positions within Str shown by StrPos.

Values are:

  • Exc=<exception>,

  • <SQLstring>,

  • StrPos=<charPositions>

Explanation: An exception occurred while processing an SQL statement used to create the UDDI Cloudscape database. The message shows the SQL exception message in the <exception> insert, the SQL string which was being processed in the <SQLstring> insert, and a string of character positions in the <charPositions> insert.

User Response: Examine the exception message to determine the cause of the problem. If the exception message indicates the position at which the problem occurred, then use the <charPositions> string to identify that position in the SQLstring.

CWUDD4015E: There were no SQL statements in the DDL file.

Explanation: No SQL statements have been found in the DDL file that is currently being processed.

User Response: Previous messages will tell you the path to the database scripts (DDL files), and the DDL file which is currently being processed. Use this information to find the DDL file and check that it is valid.

CWUDD4016E: Exception Exc occurred while processing DDL file. Value is: Exc=<exception>.

Explanation: An exception occurred while processing the current DDL file.

User Response: Examine the exception message in the <exception> insert to diagnose the problem.

CWUDD4017E: Location of database scripts not specified.

Explanation: The request issued to create the Cloudscape database has not specified a location for the database scripts.

User Response: Retry the request, providing a location for the database scripts. If this message is issued when using the uddiDeploy.jacl script with the default option, then check that you are using a valid version of uddiDeploy.jacl.

CWUDD4018E: Location of database not specified.

Explanation: The request issued to create the Cloudscape database has not specified a location for the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: Retry the request, providing a location for the UDDI Cloudscape database. If this message is issued when using the uddiDeploy.jacl script with the default option, then check that you are using a valid version of uddiDeploy.jacl.

CWUDD4019E: Name of database not specified.

Explanation: The request issued to create the Cloudscape database has not specified a name for the UDDI Cloudscape database.

User Response: Retry the request, providing a name for the UDDI Cloudscape database. If this message is issued when using the uddiDeploy.jacl script with the default option, then check that you are using a valid version of uddiDeploy.jacl.

CWUDD4020E: Invalid value specified for Default Profile parameter Parm, value should be GoodParm. Values are: Parm=<suppliedparm>, GoodParm=<expectedparm>.

Explanation: The request issued to create the Cloudscape database has specified an invalid value for the default profile parameter. The <suppliedparm> insert indicates the value that was supplied, and the <expectedparm> indicates the value that was expected.

User Response: Retry the request, specifying a valid value for the default profile parameter, or omit this parameter altogether if you do not want to create the UDDI Cloudscape database with a default profile. If this message is issued when using the uddiDeploy.jacl script with the default option, then check that you are using a valid version of uddiDeploy.jacl.

CWUDD4021E: An error occurred while loading the Cloudscape JDBC driver.

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to load the Cloudscape JDBC driver class.

User Response: Examine the preceding messages for details of the error.

CWUDD6001E: Incorrect number of arguments passed to script.

Explanation: The wrong number of arguments were passed to the script. Arguments are Node Name, Server Name, and optionally the default keyword.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD6002E: Usage is: <Command format description>.

Explanation: The deployment script has not been called with the correct arguments.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD6003E: Failed to determine server ID caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the Server ID.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6004E: Failed to determine server ID, possibly due to invalid nodename or servername (check case).

Explanation: The Server ID could not be located for the given node name and server name.

User Response: Check the node name and server name are correct and are in the correct case.

CWUDD6005E: Failed to determine the list of JDBC providers caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: The deployment script was unable to determine the list of JDBC providers.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6006E: Failed to get JDBC provider name from id caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the list of JDBC providers for the server.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6007E: Attempt to create a Cloudscape JDBC provider caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: A Cloudscape JDBC provider is required for the default deployment of UDDI and an Exception occurred whilst trying to create this JDBC provider.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6008E: Failed to create datasource caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the UDDI Cloudscape datasource.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6009E: Failed to create resource property set caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to J2EEResourcePropertySet.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6010E: Failed to create 'databaseName' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'databaseName'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6011E: Failed to create 'shutdownDatabase' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'shutdownDatabase'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6012E: Failed to create 'datasourceName' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'datasourceName'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6013E: Failed to create 'description' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'description'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6014E: Failed to create 'connectionAttributes' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'connectionAttributes'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6015E: Failed to create 'createDatabase' resource property caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the J2EE Resource Property 'createDatabase'.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6016E: Attempt to locate the WebSphere Installation Directory failed.

Explanation: The installation directory of WebSphere Application Server could not be determined.

User Response: Verify that WebSphere Application Server has been correctly installed and that the WAS_INSTALL_ROOT WebSphere
environment variable exists in the configuration.

CWUDD6017E: Uninstall of application appname caught exception Exc. Values are: <Application Name> <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to uninstall an existing UDDI application.

User Response: This message is self-explanatory.

CWUDD6018E: Install of UDDI application caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to install the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6019E: Attempt to find application classloader failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to locate the classloader for the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6020E: Attempt to read current classloader mode failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the classloader mode of the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6021E: Attempt to modify classloader mode to newmode failed with exception Exc. Values are: <Classloader Mode> <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to change the classloader mode of the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6022E: Attempt to read new classloader mode failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to verify the new classloader mode of the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6023E: Attempt to read module list from application failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the list of modules held in the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6024E: Attempt to locate URI attribute on module failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the URI attribute of the application module.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6025E: Attempt to read current classloader mode from module failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the classloader mode of a UDDI module.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6026E: Attempt to modify module classloader mode to newmode failed with exception Exc. Values are: <Classloader Mode> <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to change the classloader mode of a UDDI module.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6027E: Attempt to read new module classloader mode failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to verify the new classloader mode of a UDDI module.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6028E: Attempt to create default UDDI Registry Cloudscape database failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to create the default Cloudscape database.

User Response: Refer to messages displayed during creation to determine cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6029E: Attempt to locate the Nodes Variable Map failed with exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to locate the configurations Variable Map for the given node.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6030E: Error saving configuration, changes not saved due to exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to save the configuration after creating default datasource and removing an existing UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6031E: Error saving configuration, changes not saved due to exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to save the configuration after installing the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6032E: Error saving configuration, changes not saved due to exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to save the final configuration.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6033E: Incorrect argument passed to script.

Explanation: The wrong argument was passed to the script. Arguments are Node Name, Server Name, and optionally the default keyword.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD6034E: 'default' keyword is not allowed in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration.

Explanation: A default Cloudscape UDDI Registry is not permitted in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration. Please follow the UDDI Installation instructions on how to create a non default UDDI Registry database.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD6035E: Cluster names are only allowed in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration.

Explanation: UDDI can only be deployed to a Cluster in a Network Deployment configuration.

User Response: Deploy UDDI using the arguments Node and Server.

Explanation: A default Cloudscape UDDI Registry is not permitted in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration. Please follow the UDDI Installation instructions on how to create a non default UDDI Registry database.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD6036E: Failed to determine cluster ID caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the Cluster ID.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD6037E: Failed to determine cluster ID, possibly due to invalid clusterName (check case).

Explanation: The Cluster ID could not be located for the given cluster name.

User Response: Check the cluster name is correct and is in the correct case.

CWUDD7002E: Usage is: <Command format description>.

Explanation: The removal script has not been called with the correct arguments.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD7003E: Failed to determine server ID caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the Server ID.

User Response: Retry the removal of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD7004E: Failed to determine server ID, possibly due to invalid nodename or servername (check case).

Explanation: The Server ID could not be located for the given node name and server name.

User Response: Check the node name and server name are correct and are in the correct case.

CWUDD7005E: Uninstall of application appname caught exception Exc. Values are: <Application Name> <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to uninstall the UDDI application.

User Response: Retry the removal of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD7006E: Failed to remove default UDDI datasource caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to remove the UDDI Cloudscape datasource.

User Response: Retry the removal of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD7007E: Error saving configuration, changes not saved due to exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>.

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to save the final configuration.

User Response: Retry the removal of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD7008E: Incorrect argument passed to script.

Explanation: The wrong argument was passed to the script. Arguments are Node Name, Server Name, and optionally the default keyword.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD7009E: 'default' keyword is not allowed in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration.

Explanation: A default Cloudscape UDDI Registry is not permitted in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration. Therefore there is no default Cloudscape UDDI datasource to remove.

User Response: Retry with the correct arguments.

CWUDD7010E: Cluster names are only allowed in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configuration.

Explanation: UDDI can only be removed from a Cluster in a Network Deployment configuration.

User Response: Remove UDDI using the arguments Node and Server.

CWUDD7011E: Failed to determine cluster ID caught exception Exc. Value is: <Exception Message>

Explanation: An Exception occurred whilst trying to determine the Cluster ID.

User Response: Retry the deployment of UDDI. If the error persists, examine the Exception information on its cause. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the IBM Customer Service Center.

CWUDD7012E: Failed to determine cluster ID, possibly due to invalid clusterName (check case).

Explanation: The Cluster ID could not be located for the given cluster name.

User Response: Check the cluster name is correct and is in the correct case.