HTTP sessions are identified by session IDs. A session ID is a pseudo-random number generated at the runtime. Session hijacking is a known attack HTTP sessions and can be prevented if all the requests going over the network are enforced to be over a secure connection (meaning, HTTPS). But not every configuration in a customer environment enforces this constraint because of the performance impact of SSL connections. Due to this relaxed mode, HTTP session is vulnerable to hijacking and because of this vulnerability, WebSphere Application Server has the option to tightly integrate HTTP sessions and WebSphere Application Server security. Enable security in WebSphere Application Server so that the sessions are protected in a manner that only users who created the sessions are allowed to access them.
The HttpSession object is a function of the HttpRequest (you can get it only through the req.getSession method), and a copy of it is valid only for the life of the service method of the servlet or JSP file. You cannot cache the HttpSession object and refer to it outside the scope of a servlet or JSP file.
This action allows the object to properly serialize when using distributed sessions. Without this extension, the object cannot serialize correctly and throws an error. An example of this follows:
public class MyObject implements {...}
Make sure all instance variable objects that are not marked transient are serializable.
Distributed HTTPSession support does not guarantee transactional integrity of an attribute in a failover scenario or when session affinity is broken. Use transactional aware resources like enterprise Java beans to guarantee the transaction integrity required by your application.
If you add Java objects to a session, place the class files for those objects in the correct class path (the application class path if utilizing sharing across Web modules in an enterprise application, or the Web module class path if using the Servlet 2.2-complaint session sharing) or in the directory containing other servlets used in WebSphere Application Server. In the case of session clustering, this action applies to every node in the cluster.
Because the HttpSession object is shared among servlets that the user might access, consider adopting a site-wide naming convention to avoid conflicts.
In most applications each servlet only requires a fraction of the total session data. However, by storing the data in the HttpSession object as one large object, an application forces WebSphere Application Server to process all of it each time.
WebSphere Application Server has functionality in the HTTP Server plug-in to help with session affinity. The plug-in reads the cookie data (or encoded URL) from the browser and helps direct the request to the appropriate application or clone based on the assigned session key. This functionality increases use of the in-memory cache and reduces hits to the database or another WebSphere Application Server instance
Using session affinity properly can enhance the performance of the WebSphere Application Server. Session affinity in the WebSphere Application Server environment is a way to maximize the in-memory cache of session objects and reduce the amount of reads to the database or another WebSphere Application Server instance. Session affinity works by caching the session objects in the server instance of the application with which a user is interacting. If the application is deployed in multiple servers of a server group, the application can direct the user to any one of the servers. If the users starts on server1 and then comes in on server2 a little later, the server must write all of the session information to the external location so that the server instance in which server2 is running can read the database. You can avoid this database read using session affinity. With session affinity, the user starts on server1 for the first request; then for every successive request, the user is directed back to server1. Server1 has to look only at the cache to get the session information; server1 never has to make a call to the session database to get the information. You can improve performance by not breaking session affinity. Some suggestions to help avoid breaking session affinity are:
When it comes to security and sessions, it is all or nothing. It does not make sense to protect access to session state only part of the time. When security integration is enabled in the session management facility, all resources from which a session is created or accessed must be either secured or unsecured. You cannot mix secured and unsecured resources.
The problem with securing only a couple of pages is that sessions created in secured pages are created under the identity of the authenticated user. Only the same user can access sessions in other secured pages. To protect these sessions from use by unauthorized users, you cannot access these sessions from an unsecured page. When a request from an unsecured page occurs, access is denied and an UnauthorizedSessionRequestException error is created. (UnauthorizedSessionRequestException is a runtime exception; it is logged for you.)
With END_OF_SERVICE as write frequency, when an application uses sessions and anytime data is read from or written to that session, the LastAccess time field updates. If database sessions are used, a new write to the database is produced. This activity is a performance hit that you can avoid using the Manual Update option and having the record written back to the database only when data values update, not on every read or write of the record.
To use manual update, turn it on in the session management service. (See the tables above for location information.) Additionally, the application code must use the class instead of the generic HttpSession. Within the IBMSession object there is a sync method. This method tells the WebSphere Application Server to write the data in the session object to the database. This activity helps the developer to improve overall performance by having the session information persist only when necessary.
Note: An alternative to using the manual updates is to utilize the timed updates to persist data at different time intervals. This action provides similar results as the manual update scheme.
Related concepts
Related tasks
Task overview: Managing HTTP sessions