This topic describes how to add the virtual host that servers the administrative console to the plug-in configuration file so that you can access the administrative console through a Web server.
Install your Version 6 WebSphere Application Server product, a Web server, and the Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server. When you configure a Web server plug-in, a Web server definition is created on the Application Server system, either directly when they are on the same machine, or by a script for remote scenarios. After creating the Web server definition, the plug-in configuration file exists within the Web server definition.
Note: Please note that the plugin-cfg.xml can be overwritten by the deployment manager sync operation, the GenPluginCfg script or any other method that regenerates the file. If you make changes to the plugin-cfg.xml file, and want to keep those changes, it is recommended that you create a copy of the file in a separate location. You will need to make your manual updates each time the file is automatically refreshed by another process.
This task gives you the option of configuring the admin_host so that Web servers can access the administrative console. When the Web server plug-in configuration file is generated, it does not include admin_host on the list of virtual hosts.
cd profile_root/binThen issue the following command to stop the application server:
stopServer -profileName myProfile server1After receiving the following message, you can restart the application server:
Server server1 stop completed.To start the application server, issue the following command:
startServer server1When the application server is running, a message is displayed that indicates that the process is running. This message includes the iSeries job ID and the administrative console port.
cd profile_root/binwhere profile_root is the directory that contains your profile. Then run this command to stop the deployment manager:
stopManagerAfter receiving the following message, you can restart the deployment manager:
Server dmgr stop completed.To start the deployment manager, issue the following command:
startManagerWhen the deployment manager is running, a message is displayed that indicates that the process is running. This message includes the iSeries job ID and the administrative console port.
<VirtualHostGroup Name="admin_host"> <VirtualHost Name="*:13060"/> </VirtualHostGroup> <ServerCluster Name="my60Profile.dmgr_myiSeries_Cluster"> <Server LoadBalanceWeight="1" Name="myiSeries_my60Profile.dmgr"> <Transport Hostname="myiSeries" Port="11060" Protocol="http"/> </Server> <PrimaryServers> <Server Name="myiSeries_my60Profile.dmgr"/> </PrimaryServers> </ServerCluster> <UriGroup Name="admin_host_my60Profile.dmgr_myiSeries_Cluster_URIs"> <Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/ibm/console/*"/> </UriGroup> <Route ServerCluster="my60Profile.dmgr_myiSeries_Cluster" UriGroup="admin_host_my60Profile.dmgr_myiSeries_Cluster_URIs" VirtualHostGroup="admin_host"/>
Note: If your HTTP server has an HTTP port other than 80 please add an entry to the VirtualHostGroup:
<VirtualHost Name="*:port"/>
where port is your HTTP server port.
ResultYou can configure your supported Web servers to access the administrative console application of a deployment manager or a stand-alone application server.