Administration and administrative console troubleshooting

Administration and administrative console troubleshooting

In WebSphere Application Server products, administrative functions are supported by:

The process must be running to use the administrative console. The wsadmin command-line utility has a local mode that you can use to perform some administrative functions, even when the server process is not running. What kind of problem are you seeing?

Server status and messages in the console view are not currentWhen connecting to an Application Server that uses a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) connection for a long time, the following problems begin to occur:

This problem persists even after you restart the server or you start another server that uses the SOAP connection port.

The problem occurs because the SOAP connector does not support connection pooling. If the Application Server has many ongoing operations that use the SOAP connector, the Application Server quickly opens and closes many ports. Due to the nature of the underlying TCP/IP protocol, these ports remain in the TIME_WAIT state for some time before the operating system can reclaim them. The number of ports that WebSphere Application Server opens can exceed the limit that the operating system imposes. Under this condition, the opening of additional ports fails through the SOAP connector until the operating system reclaims ports. Use the following options to work around the problem:

Role-based authorization failsWhen you make a Java Management Extension (JMX) call such as getAttribute, setAttribute, invoke, and so on in your application, the caller requires an administrative role with sufficient permissions. The required role depends on the MBean attribute or method that the JMX caller calls and can be one of administrator, configurator, monitor, or operator. If one of the administrative roles is not assigned to the caller, or if the role is assigned, but the caller does not have the required permissions, the application receives a role-based authorization failure, for example:

SECJ0305I: Role based authorization check failed for securityname, 
accessId,ou=xxxx,dc=yyy,dc=zzz while invoking method getNodeName on resource Server and module Server.

If the caller of the application cannot be assigned one of the administrative roles, the application can log in with one of the roles on behalf of the caller. For example:
  // Create a LoginContext to authenticate a user ID and password. 
    lc = new"WSLogin", 

  // perform the login   lc.login(); 

  // Get the authenticated subject. adminSubject = lc.getSubject();

  // Define the action that will take place using the authenticated Subject   // You can define this action anywhere in the code, the action    // is reference in the WSSubject.doAs that follows. adminAction = new 
   public Object run() 
     // Get the WebSphere AdminService.                                      
     AdminService adminservice = AdminServiceFactory.getAdminService();      

     // Get the WebSphere Admin Local Server MBean instance.                 
     ObjectName objectname = adminservice.getLocalServer();                  

     // Get the Node name.                                                   
     String nodeName = (String)adminservice.getAttribute(objectname, 

     // Get the Application Server name.                                     
     String serverName = (String)adminservice.getAttribute(objectname, 
     // Get the Application Server Process ID.                               
     String serverPid = (String)adminservice.getAttribute(objectname, 

     // Return a result, for this example, just return the serverPid.
     return serverPid;
    catch (Exception e) 
    return null;

  // Invoke an AdminClient resource using the authenticated subject.  
     // This example demonstrates the action of creating an 
     // administrative client and returning a String value to use outside 
     // the doAs block.
  String myData = (String), adminAction);

  // use "myData" later on....
 catch ( e) 

When starting or stopping a server using a wsadmin interactive scripting session, you receive an exception indicating read timed outWhen starting or stopping a server using a wsadmin interactive scripting session, you receive an exception indicating read timed out, for example:

WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminControl startServer server1 Node1"; 
exception information: 
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read 
timed out; Read timed out]

This exception occurs because the timeout value is too small. Increase the timeout value specified by the property in the soap.client.props file in the app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/properties directory for a single server edition or in the app_server_root/profiles/profile_name/properties directory for a network deployment installation. The value you choose depends on a number of factors such as the size and the number of the applications installed on the server, the speed of your machine, and the level of usage of your machine. The default value of the property is 180 seconds.

Problems starting or using the administrative console or wsadmin utilityIf you have problems starting or using
the administrative console or wsadmin utility, verify that the supporting server process is started and that it is healthy.

If none of these steps solves the problem, see if the specific problem you are having is addressed in the Installation completes but the administrative console does not start topic. Check to see if the problem has been identified and documented using the links in the Diagnosing and fixing problems: Resources for learning topic. If you do not see a problem that resembles yours, or if the information provided does not solve your problem, contact IBM support for further assistance. For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, see the following topics on the IBM support page:

IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering the information that is needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, see the following topics on information gathering on the IBM support page:

Related reference

Troubleshoot the installation

Searchable topic ID: rtrb_admincomp