ActiveX client programming best practices


ActiveX client programming best practices

In general, the best way to access Java components is to use the Java language. IBM recommends that you do as much programming as possible in the Java language and use a small simple interface between your COM Automation container (for example, Visual Basic) and the Java code. This interface avoids any overhead and performance problems that can occur when moving across the interface.

Visual Basic guidelines

The following guidelines are intended to help optimize your use of the ActiveX to EJB bridge with Visual Basic:

CScript and Windows Scripting Host

The following guidelines intend to help optimize your use of the ActiveX to EJB bridge with CScript and Windows Scripting Host (WSH):

Active Server Pages guidelines

The following guidelines intend to help optimize your use of the ActiveX to EJB bridge with Active Server Pages software:

J2EE guidelines

The following guidelines are intended to help optimize your use of the ActiveX to EJB bridge with the J2EE environment;

Related tasks
Developing ActiveX application client code