PMGR1103E: update instance level read only bean beanName
This exception is also thrown if the applied access intent policy cannot be honored because a finder, ejbSelect, or container-managed relationship (CMR) accessor method returns an inherently read-only result. The forwarded exception object contains the message string PMGR1001: No such DataAccessSpec - methodName
The most common occurrence of this error is when a custom finder that contains a read-only EJB Query Language (EJB QL) statement is called with an applied access intent of wsPessimisticUpdate or wsPessimisticUpdate-Exclusive. These policies require the use of a USE AND KEEP UPDATE LOCKS clause on the SQL SELECT statement to be executed, but a read-only query cannot support USE AND KEEP UPDATE LOCKS. Other examples of read-only queries include joins; the use of ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and DISTINCT keywords. To eliminate the exception, edit the EJB query so that it does not return an inherently read-only result or change the access intent policy being applied.
Related tasks
Using access intent policies
Related reference
Access intent assembly settings