Restrictions for a partitioned table
When you use partitioned tables, be aware of these restrictions.
- Referential constraints are not allowed for a partitioned table.
- If a primary key constraint for a partitioned table is added and then dropped, the primary key index is also dropped.
- If a primary key constraint is added to a partitioned table, and then removed by the user, the user is not allowed to keep the table keyed.
- If an existing nonpartitioned table does not have a primary key constraint, but the table is keyed, the keys are removed when the table is changed to a partitioned table.
- DB2® Multisystem files (distributed tables) are already partitioned across multiple systems and cannot be partitioned across multiple members on a single system.
- An update to the partitioning key that attempts to move a row to a different partition is not allowed.
- The number of partitioning keys is restricted to 120.
- All SQL relative record processing is handled as it is for DB2 Multisystem support. The relative record number is determined in each individual partition, not the table as a whole. For example, reading to record 27 means that you read to record 27 in each partition. Each partition can contain its own record 27, none of which is the same.
- There are some restrictions on the data type of a partition key column. For range partitioning, the data type of a column used to partition a table cannot be BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATALINK, floating-point type, or a distinct type based on the these types. For hash partitioning, the data type of the column used as part of the partition key cannot be LOB, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, floating-point type, or a distinct type based on one of these.
- Applications using the following CL commands must be changed to use Member *ALL to process all partitions of a partitioned table:
- Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM)
- Copy from Import File (CPYFRMIMPF)
- Copy to Import File (CPYTOIMPF)
- Delete Network File (DLTNETF)
- Open Query File (OPNQRYF)
- Run Query (RUNQRY)
- Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK)
- Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG)
- Apply Journaled Changes Extend (APYJRNCHGX)
- Display Journal (DSPJRN)
- Receive Journal Entry (RCVJRNE)
- Remove Journaled Changes (RMVJRNCHG)
- Retrieve Journal Entry (RTVJRNE)
- Restore Object (RSTOBJ)
- Save Object (SAVOBJ)
- Save Restore Object (SAVRSTOBJ)
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Partitioned tables