Open processing for tape device files


The considerations in this topic apply to opening device files.

Table 1. Specifying record lengths by record and format type
Record and format type Minimum record length for *DATA Minimum record length for *SRC Maximum record length for *DATA Maximum record length for *SRC Block length
Fixed blocked, *F, *FB, *U 18 30 32 767 32 767 Multiple of *DATA record length
Variable unblocked, *V 1 13 32 759 (See Note) 32 767 Equal to maximum *DATA record length plus 8
D-type ASCII unblocked, *D 1 13 9 995 (See Note) 10 007 (See Note) Equal to maximum *DATA record length plus 4, plus buffer offset
Variable blocked, *VB 1 13 32 759 32 767 At least maximum *DATA record length plus 8
D-type ASCII blocked, *DB 1 13 9 995 (See Note) 10 007 (See Note) At least maximum *DATA record length plus 4, plus buffer offset
*VS, *VBS 1 13 32 759 32 759  

This is the maximum record length for a record being written to a tape. Input records can be padded to 32 767.


Parent topic:

Tape device files in high-level language programs


Related concepts

Retrieve Device Capabilities (QTARDCAP) API