Table scan
A table scan is the easiest and simplest operation that can be performed against a table. It sequentially processes all of the rows in the table to determine if they satisfy the selection criteria specified in the query. It does this in a way to maximize the I/O throughput for the table.
A table scan operation requests large I/Os to bring as many rows as possible into main memory for processing. It also asynchronously pre-fetches the data to make sure that the table scan operation is never waiting for rows to be paged into memory. Table scan however, has a disadvantage in it has to process all of the rows in order to satisfy the query. The scan operation itself is very efficient if it does not need to perform the I/O synchronously.
Table 1. Table scan attributes Data access method Table scan Description Reads all of the rows from the table and applies the selection criteria to each of the rows within the table. The rows in the table are processed in no guaranteed order, but typically they are processed sequentially. Advantages
- Minimizes page I/O operations through asynchronous pre-fetching of the rows since the pages are scanned sequentially
- Requests a larger I/O to fetch the data efficiently
- All rows in the table are examined regardless of the selectivity of the query
- Rows marked as deleted are still paged into memory even though none will be selected. You can reorganize the table to remove deleted rows.
Likely to be used
- When expecting a large number of rows returned from the table
- When the number of large I/Os needed to scan is fewer than the number of small I/Os required to probe the table
Example SQL statement SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE WorkDept BETWEEN 'A01'AND 'E01' OPTIMIZE FOR ALL ROWSMessages indicating use
SMP parallel enabled Yes Also referred to as Table Scan, Preload Visual Explain icon
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