Option 12. Delete licensed programs
Option 12 on the Work with Licensed Programs menu is used to delete a licensed program or optional part of a licensed program that is installed on a system.
Before you delete a licensed program, review Considerations for deleting licensed programs and then return here.
When you select this option, the Delete Licensed Programs display appears. The list shows the licensed programs and optional parts that are installed on your system. Use this list to select licensed programs or optional parts to delete.
If you delete a (*BASE) licensed program that has optional parts, the system deletes all of the optional parts for that licensed program. If you delete only an optional part, the base program and other optional parts remain on your system. This option deletes all objects that are associated with the licensed program or optional part you select.
Type a 4 in the Option column next to the licensed program or optional part of a licensed program that you want to delete from your system.
The Confirm Delete of Licensed Programs display shows you which licensed programs or optional parts you selected to delete. Press Enter to delete the licensed programs or optional parts.
Parent topic:
Options for displaying, installing, deleting, and saving from a list