Copy DBCS Font Table (CPYIGCTBL)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Copy DBCS Font Table (CPYIGCTBL) command copies part or all of a double-byte character set (DBCS) font table from system storage to tape, diskette, or physical file; or from tape, diskette, or physical file into the font table. Copying a DBCS font table from tape, diskette, or physical file into a font table also puts its definition in the system. DBCS font tables are objects and can be saved and restored.

DBCS font tables contain the images, in a given dot matrix, of the double-byte extension characters used on the system. The system refers to the tables when printing and displaying these characters. There are separate tables for each character image matrix used by devices attached to the system.

Consider the following before entering this command:

Restriction: A physical file used to save and restore table information must have a minimum record length of 74 bytes.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
IGCTBL DBCS font table Name, QIGC2424, QIGC2424K, QIGC2424C, QIGC2424S, QIGC3232, QIGC3232S Required, Positional 1
OPTION Copy option *OUT, *IN Required, Positional 2
DEV Device Name, *FILE Required, Positional 3
LABEL File label Name, *IGCTBL Optional
SELECT Select images *ALL, *SYS, *USER, *RANGE Optional
RANGE Range of images Element list Optional
Element 1: From user code Character value, *FIRST
Element 2: To user code Character value, *LAST
RPLIMG Replace user images *NO, *YES Optional
VOL Volume identifier Values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *MOUNTED Optional
EXPDATE File expiration date Date, *PERM Optional
SEQNBR Sequence number 1-9999, *SEARCH, *END Optional
ENDOPT End of tape option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional
FILE File Qualified object name Optional
Qualifier 1: File Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name
MBR Member Name Optional



DBCS font table (IGCTBL)

Specifies the name of the double-byte character set (DBCS) font table being copied. Choose one of the following table names:


The Japanese DBCS font table is used for displaying and printing extension characters in a 24 by 24 dot matrix image.


The Traditional Chinese DBCS font table is used for printing extension characters in a 24 by 24 dot matrix image.


The Korean DBCS font table is used for printing extension characters in a 24 by 24 dot matrix image.


The Simplified Chinese DBCS font table is used for printing extension characters in a 24 by 24 dot matrix image.


The Japanese DBCS font table is used for displaying and printing extension characters in a 32 by 32 dot matrix image.


The Simplified Chinese DBCS font table is used for printing extension characters in a 32 by 32 dot matrix image.


Specify the name of the DBCS font table to be copied. The name must always be in the format QIGCrrccl, where rr is the table row matrix size, cc is the table column matrix size, and the letter l is an optional language identifier.



Copy option (OPTION)

Specifies how to copy the double-byte character set (DBCS) font tables, either from the system to diskette, tape, or physical file; or from diskette, tape, or physical file into the system.


The specified DBCS font table is copied to diskette, tape, or physical file.


The specified DBCS font table is copied from diskette, tape, or physical file to the system.



Device (DEV)

Specifies the name of the diskette or tape device or physical file used for the copy function.


Specifies that the DBCS font table is saved to or restored from a physical file.


Specifies the name of the diskette or tape that the table is saved to or restored from. The device name must already be known on the system by a device description.



File label (LABEL)

Specifies the name of the data file on diskette or tape that contains (or will contain) the double-byte character set (DBCS) font table. When copying the table into the system, the label identifies the file that exists on diskette or tape. When copying the table to diskette or tape, the label identifies the file that is created on diskette or tape.


The diskette or tape data file name is the same as the DBCS font table name (without the first character).


Specify the name (8 characters maximum for diskette and 17 maximum for tape, starting with an alphabetic character) of the data file.



Select images (SELECT)

Specifies which portion of the double-byte character set (DBCS) font table is copied.


All IBM-supplied and user-defined double-byte characters are copied.


Only IBM-supplied double-byte characters are copied.


Only user-defined double-byte characters are copied.


Only user-defined double-byte characters that fall within the range specified for the Range of images (RANGE) parameter are copied.



Range of images (RANGE)

Specifies the range of user-defined characters to be copied from.

The DBCS codes and numbers that can be specified for range values are listed in tables at the end of this parameter description. Tables are provided for the Japanese, Korean, traditional Chinese, and simplified Chinese languages.

The first value identifies the first character to be copied.

The possible Starting Character to be Copied values are:


The system starts copying with the first user-defined double-byte character in the table.


Specify the 4-character double-byte character set (DBCS) code, or the 5-character DBCS number. The system starts copying with the specified DBCS code or number.

The possible Ending Character to be Copied values are:

The second value identifies the last character to be copied.


The system stops copying with the last user-defined character found.


Specify the 4-character DBCS code, or the 5-character DBCS number. This causes the system to stop copying with the specified DBCS code or number.

Following are tables that list the valid codes and numbers to specify for starting and ending values of user-defined character ranges.

Japanese DBCS Codes for User-Defined Characters

 6941 - 69FE   6A41 - 6AFE   6B41 - 6BFE 6C41 - 6CFE   6D41 - 6DFE   6E41 - 6EFE 6F41 - 6FFE   7041 - 70FE   7141 - 71FE 7241 - 72FE   7341 - 73FE   7441 - 74FE 7541 - 75FE   7641 - 76FE   7741 - 77FE 7841 - 78FE   7941 - 79FE   7A41 - 7AFE 7B41 - 7BFE   7C41 - 7CFE   7D41 - 7DFE 7E41 - 7EFE   7F41 - 7FFE 

Japanese DBCS Numbers for User-Defined Characters

 10561 through 10750      10817 through 11006 11073 through 11262      11329 through 11518 11585 through 11774      11841 through 12030 12097 through 12286      12353 through 12542 12609 through 12798      12865 through 13054 13121 through 13310      13377 through 13566 13633 through 13822      13889 through 14078 14145 through 14334      14401 through 14590 14657 through 14846      14913 through 15102 15169 through 15358      15425 through 15614 15681 through 15870      15937 through 16126 16193 through 16382 

Korean DBCS Codes for User-Defined Characters

 D441 - D4FE      D541 - D5FE      D641 - D6FE D741 - D7FE      D841 - D8FE      D941 - D9FE DA41 - DAFE      DB41 - DBFE      DC41 - DCFE DD41 - DDFE 

Korean DBCS Numbers for User-Defined Characters

 37953 through 38142      38209 through 38393 38465 through 38654      38721 through 38910 38977 through 39166      39233 through 39422 39489 through 39678      39745 through 39934 40001 through 40190      40257 through 40446 

Traditional Chinese DBCS Codes for User-Defined Characters

 D041 - D0FE      D141 - D1FE      D241 - D2FE D341 - D3FE      D441 - D4FE      D541 - D5FE D641 - D6FE      D741 - D7FE      D841 - D8FE D941 - D9FE      DA41 - DAFE      DB41 - DBFE DC41 - DCFE      DD41 - DDFE 

Traditional Chinese DBCS Numbers for User-Defined Characters

 36929 through 37118      37185 through 37374 37441 through 37630      37697 through 37886 37953 through 38142      38209 through 38398 38465 through 38654      38721 through 38910 38977 through 39166      39233 through 39422 39489 through 39678      39745 through 39934 40001 through 40190      40257 through 40446 

Simplified Chinese DBCS Codes for User-Defined Characters

 7641 - 76FE      7741 - 77FE 7841 - 78FE      7941 - 79FE 7A41 - 7AFE      7B41 - 7BFE 7C41 - 7CFE      7D41 - 7DFE 7E41 - 7EFE      7F41 - 7FFE 

Simplified Chinese DBCS Numbers for User-Defined Characters

 13889 through 14078      14145 through 14334 14401 through 14590      14657 through 14846 14913 through 15102      15169 through 15358 15425 through 15614      15681 through 15870 15937 through 16126      16193 through 16382 



Replace user images (RPLIMG)

Specifies whether user-defined double-byte characters in the specified table are replaced with those found on tape or diskette. Specify this value only when copying from tape or diskette to the system.


The system does not replace user-defined double-byte characters in the table stored in the system with those found on tape or diskette.


The system replaces user-defined double-byte characters in the table stored in the system with those found on tape or diskette.



Volume identifier (VOL)

Specifies one or more volume identifiers used by the file.

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The volume currently placed in the device is used.


Specify the identifiers of one or more diskettes or tapes in the order in which they are placed in a tape or diskette unit and used in the copy operation.



File expiration date (EXPDATE)

Specifies the expiration date. The files cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. The expiration date must be later than or equal to the current date.


The data file is protected permanently.


Specify the date after which the file is no longer protected. The date must be specified in the job-date format.



Sequence number (SEQNBR)

Specifies (only when tape is used) which sequence number is used as the starting point for the copy operation.


The system copies the table after the last sequence number on the tape when copying from the system to tape.


The tape that is in the tape unit is searched for a data file with a name that compares with that specified for the File label (LABEL) parameter. When a match is found, the table is copied to the system. The file search starts with the first data file beyond the current tape position.


Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the copy operation.



End of tape option (ENDOPT)

Specifies the operation that is automatically performed on the tape volume after the operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last tape volume used; all other tape volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the tape is reached.


The tape is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.


The tape does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the tape drive.


The tape is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends.



File (FILE)

Specifies the name of the existing physical file that contains the (DBCS) font table.

The name of the physical file can be qualified by the following library value:


Specify the name of the library to be used.


Specify the name of the physical file.



Member (MEMBER)

Specifies the name of the existing physical file member that the table is saved to, or restored from.




            LABEL(*IGCTBL)  DEV(QDKT)

This command causes the system to copy the complete Japanese DBCS font table QIGC2424 from the system to the diskette. The name of the label on the diskette is IGC2424.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages


DBCS font table &4 damaged.


DBCS font table &1 not updated and no images copied.


Error found in RANGE keyword.


Data file &2 cannot be used to copy DBCS font table &1.


DBCS font table &1 not created and no images copied.


CPYIGCTBL command ended due to error.


DBCS font table &1 not found.


Not able to use DBCS font table &1.


Error found in keyword IGCTBL.


Device &1 either not found, or not valid for command.


DBCS font table &1 not migrated.
