Copy File command with distributed files with DB2® Multisystem


When the Copy File (CPYF) ommand is issued, the system tries to run the CPYF command as quickly as possible.

The command parameters specified, the file attributes involved in the copy, and the size and number of records to be copied all affect how fast the command is run.

When copying data to distributed files, the performance of the copy command can be improved by using only the following parameters on the CPYF command: FROMFILE, TOFILE, FROMMBR, TOMBR, MBROPT, and FMTOPT(*NONE) or FMTOPT(*NOCHK). Also, the from-file (FROMFILE) and the to-file (TOFILE) parameters should not specify files that contain any null-capable fields. Generally, the simpler the syntax of the copy command is, the greater the chance that the fastest copy operation is obtained. When the fastest copy method is being used while copying to a distributed file, message CPC9203 is issued, stating the number of records copied to each node. Normally, if this message was not issued, the fastest copy was not performed. When copying to a distributed file, you should consider the following differences between when the fastest copy is and is not used:

Consider the following restrictions when copying to or from distributed files:


Parent topic:

CL commands: Affecting all the pieces of a distributed file with DB2 Multisystem