Cost estimation and index selection for join secondary dials


As the query optimizer compares the various possible access choices, it must assign a numeric cost value to each candidate and use that value to determine the implementation which consumes the least amount of processing time. This costing value is a combination of CPU and I/O time

In step 3 and in step 5 in Join order optimization, the query optimizer has to estimate a cost and choose an access method for a given dial combination. The choices made are similar to those for row selection except that a plan using a probe must be chosen. The costing value is based on the following assumptions:

The main factors of the join cost calculations for secondary dials are the number of rows selected in all previous dials and the number of rows which match, on average, each of the rows selected from previous dials. Both of these factors can be derived by estimating the number of matching rows for a given dial. When the join operator is something other than equal, the expected number of matching rows is based on the following default filter factors:

For example, when the join operator is less-than, the expected number of matching rows is .33 * (number of rows in the dial). If no join specifications are active for the current dial, the cartesian product is assumed to be the operator. For cartesian products, the number of matching rows is every row in the dial, unless local row selection can be applied to the index.

When the join operator is equal, the expected number of rows is the average number of duplicate rows for a given value.


Parent topic:

Join optimization


Related information

Set Object Access (SETOBJACC) command