Configure HTTP Search (CFGHTTPSCH)
Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: NoParameters
Error messagesThe Configure Search (CFGHTTPSCH) command allows you to do various search administration tasks that include working with an index, a document list, a URL mapping rules file, or a thesaurus, plus building objects used for web crawling.
You can create an index, add documents to an index, remove documents from an index, delete an index, create, update, or delete a document list, create or update a mapping rules file.
To create an index, add or remove documents from an index, you will need to provide a document list. Specify *CRTDOCL for the Option (OPTION) parameter to create a document list.
To create an index, specify *CRTIDX for the OPTION parameter.
To create a document list, specify *CRTDOCL for the OPTION parameter. The document list can be used when you create (*CRTIDX) or update (*ADDDOC or *RMVDOC) an index.
To append additional document paths to a document list, specify *UPDDOCL for the OPTION parameter. The document list can be used when you create (*CRTIDX) or update (*ADDDOC or *RMVDOC) an index.
To add documents to an index, specify *ADDDOC for the OPTION parameter. All new or changed documents in the document list will be added to the index.
To remove documents from the index, specify *RMVDOC for the OPTION parameter.
To delete a document list, specify *DLTDOCL for the OPTION parameter.
To delete an index, specify *DLTIDX for the OPTION parameter.
To create a mapping rules file, specify *CRTMAPF for the OPTION parameter.
To add additional configuration directives to a mapping rules file, specify *UPDMAPF for the OPTION parameter.
To create a thesaurus dictionary that can be used on a search, specify *CRTTHSDCT for the OPTION parameter.
To delete a thesaurus dictionary, specify *DLTTHSDCT for the OPTION parameter.
To retrieve a thesaurus definition file from a thesaurus dictionary, specify *RTVTHSDFNF for the OPTION parameter.
The next set of OPTIONS are used for working with objects that are used when crawling remote web sites.
To create a URL object that contains a list of URLs to crawl, specify *CRTURLOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To update a URL object, specify *UPDURLOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To delete a URL object, specify *DLTURLOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To create an options object, specify *CRTOPTOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To update an options object, specify *UPDOPTOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To delete an options object, specify *DLTOPTOBJ for the OPTION parameter.
To print the status of an index, specify *PRTIDXSTS for the OPTION parameter.
To print the status of a document list, specify *PRTDOCLSTS for the OPTION parameter.
- You must have input/output system configuration (*IOSYSCFG) special authority to use this command.
Keyword Description Choices Notes OPTION Option *CRTIDX, *MRGIDX, *DLTIDX, *ADDDOC, *RMVDOC, *CRTDOCL, *UPDDOCL, *REGDOCL, *DLTDOCL, *CRTMAPF, *UPDMAPF, *CRTTHSDCT, *DLTTHSDCT, *RTVTHSDFNF, *CRTURLOBJ, *UPDURLOBJ, *DLTURLOBJ, *CRTOPTOBJ, *UPDOPTOBJ, *DLTOPTOBJ, *CRTVLDL, *ADDVLDLDTA, *RMVVLDLDTA, *DLTVLDL, *PRTIDXSTS, *PRTDOCLSTS Required, Positional 1 IDX Index name Character value Optional IDXDIR Index directory Path name, '/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX' Optional TEXT Index description Character value, *BLANK Optional DOCLIST Document list file Path name Optional STRDIR Start directory Path name Optional SUBTREE Traverse directory *ALL, *NONE Optional PATTERN Filter Character value, '*.HTM*' Optional CONTENT Document content *HTML, *TEXT Optional ALWERR Allow file errors *YES, *NO Optional ENBCASE Enable case sensitive search *YES, *NO Optional ALWCHAR Valid characters *ALPHANUM, *ALPHA Optional IDXHTML Index HTML fields Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 5 repetitions): *TITLE, *AUTHOR, *ABSTRACT, *DESCRIPTION, *KEYWORDS, *ALLMETAOptional CFG HTTP server Name Optional URLPFX Prefix for URL Character value, *NONE Optional MAPFILE Mapping rules file Path name Optional DLTTYPE Delete type *ALL, *SUPP Optional THSDCT Thesaurus dictionary name Character value Optional THSDCTDIR Thesaurus directory Path name, '/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/SEARCH' Optional THSDFNF Thesaurus definition file Path name Optional URLOBJ URL object Character value Optional DOCDIR Document storage directory Path name Optional LANG Language of documents *ARABIC, *BALTIC, *CENTEUROPE, *CYRILLIC, *ESTONIAN, *GREEK, *HEBREW, *JAPANESE, *KOREAN, *SIMPCHINESE, *TRADCHINESE, *THAI, *TURKISH, *WESTERN Optional URLACT URL list action *NONE, *ADD, *REMOVE Optional URLLST URL list entries Values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: URL Character value Element 2: URL filter Character value, *NONE Element 3: Maximum crawling depth 0-100, 3, *NOMAX Element 4: Enable robots *YES, *NO RMVURLLST Remove URL list entries Values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: URL Character value OPTOBJ Options object Character value Optional PRXSVR Proxy server for HTTP Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional PRXPORT Proxy port for HTTP 1-65535, *SAME Optional PRXSVRSSL Proxy server for HTTPS Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional PRXPORTSSL Proxy port for HTTPS 1-65535, *SAME Optional MAXSIZE Maximum file size 1-6000, 1000, *SAME Optional MAXSTGSIZE Maximum storage size 1-65535, 100, *NOMAX, *SAME Optional MAXTHD Maximum threads 1-50, 20, *SAME Optional MAXRUNTIME Maximum run time Single values: *NOMAX, *SAME
Other values: Element listOptional Element 1: Hours 0-1000, 2 Element 2: Minutes 0-59, 0 LOGFILE Logging file Path name, *NONE, *SAME Optional CLRLOG Clear logging file *YES, *NO, *SAME Optional LSTTYPE Document list type *LOCAL, *REMOTE Optional VLDL Validation list Name Optional VLDLE Validation list entries Values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: URL Character value Element 2: User ID Character value Element 3: Password Character value RMVVLDLE Remove validation list entries Values (up to 100 repetitions): Element list Optional Element 1: URL Character value
Option (OPTION)
Specifies the administrative task to be performed.
This is a required parameter.
- Create an index.
- Merge an index after documents have been added.
- Delete an index.
- Add documents to an index.
- Remove documents from an index.
- Create a document list. If the file already exists, it will be replaced.
- Append additional document paths to a document list.
- Delete a document list.
- Create a mapping rules file. If the file already exists, it will be replaced.
- Append additional configuration directives to a mapping rules file.
- Create a thesaurus dictionary.
- Retrieve a thesaurus definition file from a thesaurus dictionary.
- Delete a thesaurus dictionary.
- Create a URL object to use when crawling remote web sites.
- Update a URL object to use when crawling remote web sites.
- Delete a URL object.
- Create an options object to use when crawling remote web sites.
- Update an options object to use when crawling remote web sites.
- Delete an options object.
- Create a validation list object to use when crawling remote web sites.
- Add entries to a validation list object.
- Remove entries from a validation list object.
- Delete a validation list object.
- Print the status of an index.
- Print the status of a document list.
Index name (IDX)
Specifies the index to be created or updated.
- name
- Specifies the name of the index.
Index directory (IDXDIR)
Specifies the index directory that is used for several files created during index administration.
- This directory is used for the index directory.
- path-name
- Specify the index directory path name.
Index description (TEXT)
Specifies the text that describes the index.
- No text is specified.
- character-value
- Specify the text description, enclosed in apostrophes.
Document list file (DOCLIST)
Specifies the document list file that contains a list of the documents to be indexed.
- path-name
- Specify the document list file path name.
Start directory (STRDIR)
Specifies the starting directory to use to find documents to add to the document list.
- path-name
- Specify the path name of the directory to use to find documents to index.
Traverse directory (SUBTREE)
Specifies whether to traverse subdirectories of the starting directory when building the document list file.
- *ALL
- Traverse the subdirectories.
- Do not traverse subdirectories.
Filter (PATTERN)
Specifies the pattern or filter to use when building the document list. To find HTML files, use the filter *.HTM*.
- '*.HTM*'
- This filter will find files with the extension .HTM or .HTML.
- character-value
- SPecify the pattern or filter to use for selecting files to add to the document list.
Document content (CONTENT)
Specifies the contents of the documents to be indexed.
- Documents are HTML. All HTML tags are removed during indexing. See also IDXHTML parameter.
- Documents contain text.
Allow file errors (ALWERR)
Specifies whether to skip document file errors and continue processing the request or to stop processing on a document file error.
- *YES
- Allow file errors and continue processing.
- *NO
- Do not allow file errors. Stop indexing the documents.
Enable case sensitive search (ENBCASE)
Specifies whether a case sensitive search is allowed for this index.
- *YES
- A case sensitive search is allowed.
- *NO
- Only case insensitive searches are allowed.
Valid characters (ALWCHAR)
Specifies the characters that are valid for a search on this index.
- Alphanumeric characters are valid.
- Only alphabetic characters are valid.
Index HTML fields (IDXHTML)
Specifies the HTML tags that are used to find additional character strings to index. If *NONE, is selected, all HTML tags are removed from the document before indexing. All searches will be done on the entire document.
Any tag field that is selected will be indexed separately and will also be included in the indexing of the entire document. Tagged fields or the entire document can be selected for a search.
This parameter is ignored unless CONTENT(*HTML) is also specified.
Single values
- All of the document is indexed except for HTML tags.
Other values (up to 5 repetitions)
- Index the title field.
- Index the META tag NAME="Abstract"
- Index the META tag NAME="Author"
- Index the META tag NAME="Description"
- Index the META tag NAME="Keywords"
- Index all META tags with NAME="xxxx".
HTTP server (CFG)
Specifies the HTTP server that contains routing directives. The appropriate directives are added to the URL mapping rules file and used with the URL prefix to define the URLs that are displayed for search results.
- name
- Specify the name of the HTTP server containing the configuration to use.
Prefix for URL (URLPFX)
Specifies the prefix to use for the URL for documents found on a search.
- No URL prefix is used.
- character-value
- Specifies the prefix to use for the URL such as ''.
Mapping rules file (MAPFILE)
Specifies the name of the mapping rules file that contains routing information to use for creating URLs for documents found on a search.
- path-name
- Specifies the path name of the mapping rules file.
Delete type (DLTTYPE)
Specifies whether to delete all of the index or only the supplemental index. The supplemental index is temporarily created when new or modified documents are added to the index.
- *ALL
- Delete the main and supplemental index.
- Delete only the supplemental index.
Thesaurus dictionary name (THSDCT)
Specifies the thesaurus dictionary that can be used on a search.
- character-value
- Specify the name of the thesaurus dictionary.
Thesaurus directory (THSDCTDIR)
Specifies the directory to use for the thesaurus dictionary. Specify a directory that is not used for search indexes.
- Directory SEARCH located using the directory path /QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR is used.
- path-name
- Specifies the thesaurus dictionary directory path name.
Thesaurus definition file (THSDFNF)
Specifies the thesaurus definition file used to create a thesaurus dictionary.
- path-name
- Specifies the path name of the thesaurus definition file.
URL object (URLOBJ)
Specifies the URL object to use for web crawling. This parameter is used when *CRTURLOBJ or *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter. This object contains a list of URLs that you want to crawl.
- character-value
- Specify the name of a URL object.
Document storage directory (DOCDIR)
Specifies the directory to use to store documents found when crawling remote web sites. This parameter is used when *CRTURLOBJ or *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- path-name
- Specify the path name of the directory for storing downloaded documents.
Language of documents (LANG)
Specifies the language of the documents that are to be downloaded. These language choices are similar to the character sets or encodings that can be selected on a browser. This parameter is used when *CRTURLOBJ or *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter
- The documents are in Arabic.
- The documents are in a Baltic language such as Latvian or Lithuanian.
- The documents are in a Central European language such as Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian, or Slovenian.
- The documents are in Cyrillic language such as Russian, Ukranian, or Macedonian.
- The documents are in Estonian.
- The documents are in Greek.
- The documents are in Hebrew.
- The documents are in Japanese.
- The documents are in Korean.
- The documents are in Simplified Chinese.
- The documents are in Traditional Chinese.
- The documents are in Thai.
- The documents are in Turkish.
- The documents are in a Western language such as English, French, Spanish, or German.
URL list action (URLACT)
Specifies the action to take on the URL list for the specifed URL object. This parameter is used when *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- Do not change the URL list.
- *ADD
- Add the specified URLs to the URL object.
- Remove the specified URLs from the URL object.
URL list entries (URLLST)
This parameter is used when *CRTURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter or *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter and URLACT is *ADD. It specifies the list of URLs and URL attributes that are used in a crawling session:
- URL is the Universal Resource Locator where the crawling begins.
- URL filter limits crawling to the specified domain.
- Maximum crawling depth is the distance of links found from the original URL. A depth of 0 means to limit the crawling to the starting URL. A depth of 3 means that crawling should continue for links that are 3 levels from the starting URL.
- Enable robots indicates whether crawling supports robot exclusion. If you select to support robot exclusion, any site or pages that contain robot exclusion META tags or files will not be downloaded.
You can specify 100 values for this parameter.
Element 1: URL
- character-value
- Specify a starting URL.
Element 2: URL filter
- Do not use a URL domain filter.
- character-value
- Specify a URL domain filter such as '' with no slashes or colons.
Element 3: Maximum crawling depth
The maximum depth to crawl from the starting URL. Zero means to stop crawling at the starting URL site. Each additional layer refers to following referenced links within the current URL.
- 3
- Referenced links will be crawled three layers deep.
- Referenced links will be crawled regardless of depth.
- 0-100
- Specify the maximum crawling depth.
Element 4: Enable robots
- *YES
- Support robot exclusion.
- *NO
- Do not support robot exclusion.
Remove URL list entries (RMVURLLST)
Specifies the list of URLs to remove from the URL object. This parameter is used when *UPDURLOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter and URLACT is *REMOVE. Enter up to a maximum of 100 URLs to remove from the URL list.
- character-value
- Specify the URL to remove.
Options object (OPTOBJ)
Specifies the options object to use for crawling. The options object contains crawling session attributes. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ, *UPDOPTOBJ, or *DLTOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- character-value
- Specify the name of the options object to use.
Proxy server for HTTP (PRXSVR)
Specifies the HTTP proxy server to be used. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- Do not use an HTTP proxy server.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same HTTP proxy server.
- character-value
- Specify the name of the HTTP proxy server.
Proxy port for HTTP (PRXPORT)
Specifies the HTTP proxy server port. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter. A proxy server port is required if a proxy server is also specified.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same HTTP proxy server port.
- 1-65535
- Specify the number of the HTTP proxy server port.
Proxy server for HTTPS (PRXSVRSSL)
Specifies the HTTPS proxy server for using SSL support. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- Do not use an HTTPS proxy server.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same HTTPS proxy server.
- character-value
- Specify the name of the HTTPS proxy server for SSL support.
Proxy port for HTTPS (PRXPORTSSL)
Specifies the HTTPS proxy server port for SSL support. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter. An HTTPS proxy server port is required if an HTTPS proxy server is also specified.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same HTTPS proxy server port.
- 1-65535
- Specify the number of the HTTPS proxy server port for SSL support.
Maximum file size (MAXSIZE)
Specifies the maximum file size, in kilobytes, to download. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- 1000
- Download files that are no greater than 1000 kilobytes.
- All files will be downloaded regardless of size.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same maximum file size.
- 1-6000.
- Specify the maximum file size to download, in kilobytes.
Maximum storage size (MAXSTGSIZE)
Specifies the maximum storage size, in megabytes, to allocate for downloaded files. Crawling will end when this limit is reached. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- 100
- Up to 100 megabytes of storage will be used for downloaded files.
- No maximum storage size for downloaded files.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same maximum storage size.
- 1-65535.
- Specify the maximum storage size, in megabytes, for downloaded files.
Maximum threads (MAXTHD)
Specifies the maximum number of threads to start for crawling web sites. Set this value based on the system resources that are available. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- 20.
- Start up to 20 threads for web crawling.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same maximum number of threads.
- 1-50.
- Specify the maximum number of threads to start.
Maximum run time (MAXRUNTIME)
Specifies the maximum time for crawling to run, in hours and minutes. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
Single values
- Run the crawling session until it completes normally or is ended by using the ENDHTTPCRL (End HTTP Crawler) command.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object, but want to use the same maximum number of hours and minutes to run.
Element 1: Hours
- 2
- Run the crawling session for 2 hours plus the number of minutes specified.
- 0-1000.
- Specify the number of hours to run the crawling session.
Element 2: Minutes
- 0
- Run the crawling session for the number of hours specified.
- 0-59.
- Specify the number of minutes to run the crawling session. The crawling session will run for the number of hours specified in the first element of this parameter plus the number of minutes specified.
Logging file (LOGFILE)
Specifies the activity logging file to be used. This file contains information about the crawling session plus any errors that occur. This file must be in a directory. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- Do not use an activity log file.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object, but want to use the same logging file.
- path-name
- Specify the path name of the logging file.
Clear logging file (CLRLOG)
Specifies whether to clear the activity log file before starting the crawling session. This parameter is used when *CRTOPTOBJ or *UPDOPTOBJ is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- *YES
- Always clear the activity log file before each crawling session.
- Use this value when you are updating the options object but want to use the same value for clearing the logging file.
- *NO
- Do not clear the activity log file.
Document list type (LSTTYPE)
Specifies whether the document list file to be registered contains paths for files on this system or for files on remote web sites that have been downloaded to this system using the web crawling function. This parameter is used when *REGDOCL is specified for the OPTION parameter
- The documents in the document list are on this system.
- The documents in the document list are on a remote system.
Validation list (VLDL)
Specifies the name of the validation list to use for SSL sessions. A validation list contains a URL, a userid, and password. The validation list object is owned by the signed on user and excludes public use. This parameter is used when *CRTVLDL, *ADDVLDLDTA, *RMVVLDLDTA,or *DLTVLDL is specified for the OPTION parameter.
Restrictions: Passwords will be stored in the validation list object in encrypted form. In order to store and decrypt the passwords for authentication, the system value QRETSVRSEC (Retain Server Security) must be set to 1 before the validation list is created. If the system value is changed from 1 to 0 once the validation list exists, the encrypted passwords will be removed and authentication will fail. In this case, the system value will need to be reset to 1 and the validation list deleted and created again.
- name
- Specify the name of the validation list. The validation list will be created in library QUSRSYS with the name QZHAxxxxxx where xxxxxx is the name you entered.
Validation list entries (VLDLE)
Specifies the list of URLs, userids, and passwords to use for SSL sessions. The userid and password pair will be used for the specified URL and any other URLs encountered while crawling within the same domain. This parameter is used when *CRTVLDL or *ADDVLDLDTA is specified for the OPTION parameter. Each validation list entry contains the following:
- URL that requires authentication
- a userid
- a password
A maximum of 100 entries can be added to the validation list. This parameter is used when *CRTVLDL or *ADDVLDLDTA is specified for the OPTION parameter.
Element 1: URL
- character-value
- Specify a URL (Universal Resource Locator).
Element 2: User ID
- character-value
- Specify a valid user ID.
Element 3: Password
- character-value
- Specify a password for the userid.
Remove validation list entries (RMVVLDLE)
Specifies the list of URLs to remove from an existing validation list. A maximum of 100 entries can be removed from the validation list. This parameter is used when *RMVVLDLDTA is specified for the OPTION parameter.
- character-value
- Specify a URL (Universal Resource Locator) that has an associated entry in the validation list.
Example 1: Create a Document List
CFGHTTPSCH OPTION(*CRTDOCL) DOCLIST('/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.DOCUMENT.LIST') STRDIR('/QIBM/ProdData/HTTP/Public/HTTPSVR/HTML')This example will create a document list called /QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.DOCUMENT.LIST from the directory /QIBM/ProdData/HTTP/Public/HTTPSVR/HTML using the defaults SUBTREE(*ALL) PATTERN('*.HTM*'). The subdirectories will be searched and only files containing the pattern *.HTM will be included in the list.
Example 2: Create an Index
CFGHTTPSCH OPTION(*CRTIDX) IDX(myindex) DOCLIST('/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.DOCUMENT.LIST') IDXHTML(*ABSTRACT)This example will create an index called myindex in index directory /QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX. The document list is in the file /QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.DOCUMENT.LIST.
In this example the following is defined:
- The documents are HTML documents by default.
- Any file errors found for a document are ignored.
- Searches can be case-sensitive.
- Alphanumeric characters are valid search characters.
- The META tag with "Abstract" will be indexed separately.
- The character string following the META tag will also be included when the document is indexed.
- Searches are enabled for the entire document and the META tag field.
Example 3: Create a Mapping Rules File
CFGHTTPSCH OPTION(*CRTMAPF) CFG('MYCFG') URLPFX('') MAPFILE(/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.MAP_FILE)This example will create a mapping file called '/QIBM/USERDATA/HTTPSVR/INDEX/myindex.MAP_FILE'. The URL prefix '' plus all of the Pass directives from the MYCFG configuration will be copied to the mapping rules file. When documents are found on a search, the URLPFX will be followed by the path determined from the actual file path and the Pass directive.
If a document is physically located at /root/clothing/doc1.htm, and there is a Pass /clothing/* /root/clothing/* directive in the configuration file, the URL for the document on the search results will be .
Error messages
*ESCAPE Messages
- HTP1603
- Request to add or delete documents was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP1608
- Request to create an index failed. Reason &1.
- HTP1609
- Request to add or delete documents from an index failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160A
- Request to merge an index failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160B
- Request to delete an index failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160C
- Request to create or append to a document list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160D
- Request to delete a document list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160E
- Request to create or append to a mapping rules file failed. Reason &1.
- HTP160F
- *IOSYSCFG special authority required to use CHGHTTPSCH command.
- HTP1621
- Request to create an index was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP1623
- Request to create a thesaurus dictionary failed. Reason &1.
- HTP1624
- Request to delete a thesaurus dictionary failed. Reason &1.
- HTP1625
- Request to retrieve a definition file failed. Reason &1.
- HTP164B
- Request to create a validation list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP164C
- Request to add or remove entries from a validation list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP164D
- Request to delete a validation list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP164F
- Request to create or update an options object failed. Reason &1.
- HTP165A
- Request to delete an options object failed. Reason &1.
- HTP165B
- Request to create or update a URL object failed. Reason &1.
- HTP165C
- Request to delete URL object failed. Reason &1.
- HTP165F
- Request to register a document list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP1666
- Request to create a validation list was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP1668
- Request to add or remove entries from a validation list was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP1669
- Request to create or update a URL object was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP166C
- Request to create or update a document list was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP166D
- Request to print the status of an index failed. Reason &1.
- HTP166E
- Request to print the status of a document list failed. Reason &1.
- HTP1674
- Request to print the status of index &3 in index directory &4 was incomplete. Reason &1.
- HTP1675
- Request to print the status of document list &3 was incomplete. Reason &1.