ISO/ANSI standard volume label (VOL1)


The ISO/ANSI standard volume label (VOL1) is 80 characters in length. The program uses the label to identify the tape volume, tape volume owner, and security of the tape volume's contents.

ISO/ANSI standard volume label (VOL1) is always the first block of data on the tape volume if the tape is a standard labeled tape.

Table 1. Format of the ISO/ANSI Standard Volume Label (VOL1), Version 3
Offset Data type Length Contents
0 Character 3 Label identifier
3 Character 1 Label number
4 Character 6 Volume identifier (Volume Serial Number)
10 Character 1 Accessibility
11 Character 26 Reserved
37 Character 14 Owner Identifier
51 Character 28 Reserved
79 Character 1 Label Standard Level

The field definition follows the industry standards as understood and interpreted by IBM®: (i5/OS® supports for input only):

The system records the volume label in ASCII.

The program describes the contents and function of each of the fields below. This version of the ISO/ANSI standard is Version 3.


Parent topic:

Volume label fields