Change application server ports with the console and wsadmin

This topic describes how to change port numbers in the serverindex.xml file. Unless there is a port conflict, you do not need to change these settings. If your application server is not running correctly, and you suspect that there may be a port conflict, see Troubleshooting before you change any of the port settings.

Use the administrative console to change application server ports

  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. Expand Servers and click Application Servers.

  3. Click the name of your application server.

  4. On the application server's page, click End Points.

  5. Click the name of the port that you want to change.

  6. Make your changes.

  7. Click Apply or OK.

  8. Save the application server configuration.

Use wsadmin to change application server ports

Use the commands in these examples to modify the serverindex.xml file: