Manage metadata and access control settings for authoring templates with WebDAV
With WebDAV we can change the metadata information for an authoring portlet or update the template's access control settings.
All authoring templates for a given library are listed under the authoringTemplates folder for that library. Because they are data-oriented items, authoring templates are represented as files and meta-data folders.
libraries - wcm.library.my_library - authoringTemplates auth_template1.html myAuthTemplate.html - meta-data - wcm.presentationTemplate.auth_template1.html access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml - wcm.presentationTemplate.myAuthTemplate.html access-control-system.xml access-control-user.xml meta-data.xml access-control.xmlWe cannot modify the authoring template itself in WebDAV. To make changes to the authoring template, use the authoring portlet.
- To change the access control settings for an authoring template, edit the access-control-system.xml file for administrator settings or the access-control-user.xml file for user-defined settings.
- To change the metadata for an authoring template, edit the meta-data.xml file for the authoring template.
Parent: WebDAVRelated: