Use elements
Each content item we create contains at least one element type. The elements stored in a content item are determined by the authoring template selected when creating the content item. Depending on the authoring template we select, and the level of access, we may also be able to manage the elements in a content item.
- Use an authoring tools element
- Use a component reference element
- Use a date and time element
- Use a file resource element
- Use an HTML element
- Use an image element
- Use a JSP element
- Use a link element
- Create a list presentation
- Use a menu element
- Use a navigator element
- Use a number element
- Use an option selection element
- Use a page navigation element
- Use a Personalization element
- Use a rich text element
- Use a search element
- Use a short text element
- Use a style sheet element
- Use a taxonomy element
- Use a text element
- Use a user name element
- Use a user selection element
- Add elements to an item
Parent Use the authoring portletRelated tasks: Add elements to an item
Add elements to an item
Add elements to an item
Create components