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WCI RSS 2.0 feed file

Web Content Integrator consumes RSS 2.0 files, typically with file extensions of either .rss or .xml. WCI does not impose any file naming conventions on the feed producer.

The most commonly used media type options are...

If the character encoding cannot be determined correctly, WCI with throw errors when parsing the feed.

Following the XML prolog, an RSS 2.0 file begins with a single <rss> element. This element has one required attribute, "version", which must be set to "2.0". The file must also contain a single <channel> element which contains a number of sub-elements that provide some metadata about the feed as a whole. The <channel> element must contain one or more <item> elements. The <item> elements in turn contain sub-elements which provide information about the content being syndicated. For example:

If non-ascii data is used in a feed, then encoding="UTF-8" must be specified in the feed: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Channel-level Elements

Each RSS feed file must contain only one channel element. There are a number of allowable sub-elements of the channel which provide some metadata about the channel itself. The following elements are either required or used by the Web Content Integrator.