Results Feeds
When feed processing is initiated via a call to the feed service servlet, the Web Content Integrator will respond with an output feed. The first entry in this feed will contain status information for the feed as a whole. Each of the subsequent entries in the output feed will correspond to an item that was in the input feed. These latter entries will contain status information about the results of processing each item. Feed producers could use this information to attempt to automatically recover from certain types of errors.
Each entry in the output feed will have the following general format:
<item> <title>Results for: [INPUT_TITLE]</title> <link>[INPUT_LINK]</link> <pubDate>[CREATION_TIME_OF_OUTPUT_FEED_ENTRY]</pubDate> <guid permalink="false">[INPUT_GUID]</guid> <ibmfs:resultCode>[ OK | WARN | ERROR | FAIL ]</ibmfs:resultCode> <!-- 0 .. n resultMsg elements --> <ibmfs:resultMsg level="[ WARN | ERROR ]" code="[ERR_CODE]">[MESSAGE_TEXT]</ibmfs:resultMsg> <ibmfs:resultMsg level="[ WARN | ERROR ]" code="[ERR_CODE]">[MESSAGE_TEXT]</ibmfs:resultMsg> <ibmfs:documentId>[WCM_DOCUMENT_ID]</ibmfs:documentId> <description>[LIST_OF_PROGRESS_MESSAGES]</description> </item>