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Web content testing environments

Testing environments can be as simple or as complex as a test environment used to test content, theme, application changes, and the delivery environment performance.

A single website might have multiple testing environments. Some testing environments focus on content and design integration, application and data integration, performance, and more. A web content test environment is a layer of validation before changes are sent to the live website. The test environment might be used to accumulate changes from your authoring environments before the changes are syndicated to the production delivery environment.

Site testing within an authoring environment

When testing within an authoring environment a testing server is paired with an authoring server. The testing server simulates the delivery environment and is used to test major changes to a website.

System testing within a staging environment

When testing within a staging environment, data from the authoring environment is syndicated to a staging environment. User acceptance testing happens in the staging environment. If all tests are passed, data is syndicated from staging to the delivery production environment.

Specific activities take place in each environment.

Parent topic: HCL Web Content Manager (WCM) environments