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Website objectives

It is important to have an understanding of the objectives, deliverables, and scope of a web content system. Your website definition outlines the what, why, and who of the project and can be used throughout the life of the website.

We define the following information in the project plan:


Define the background information for the project. This information can include why the project is being undertaken and any history of previous and current related projects.


What is the mission of the project? Writing a mission statement can help in determining the requirements of the website.


It is essential to determine the objectives of the project. These objectives can be provided by the project team, which is determined from meetings with the project stakeholders, and usability workshops with users. All stakeholders should agree on the final objectives of the site. Each objective must be clear and concise. There is no room for assumptions or varied interpretations.

    Business objectives

    These objectives define what the business wants to achieve. They focus on concerns such as profit and brand value.

    The following are examples of business objectives for an internet site:

    • Reduce costs of distributing press releases and sales materials

    • Reduce the number of phone calls taken by the support team

    • Strengthen existing customer loyalty

    • Discover potential customers online

    The following are examples of business objectives for an intranet:

    • Provide specialized and tailored content to key groups within the company

    • Ensure that employees feel valued

    • Reduce business costs by making staff more productive by improving their core tasks

    Operational objectives

    Operational objectives can be grouped according to short-term and long-term objectives.

    The following are examples of operational objectives:

    • Provide information to company employees

    • Provide information to customers

    • Develop skills within the company to administer a website

    • Develop single sign-on function

    User objectives

    These objectives define the needs of the user of the website and are crucial to developing the site objectives, structure, and function.

    The following are examples of a user objective for an internet site:

    • Make it easy for me to find what I want

    • Make the information understandable and relevant

    • Let me know where I am in the site

    • Retain my privacy

    The following are examples of a user objective for an intranet:

    • Find up to date, relevant information as quickly as possible

    • Keep me informed of latest news and updates

    • Help me perform core business functions such as completing time-sheets and applying for leave

    • Reduce my frustrations

    • Let me publish information

    • Help me feel connected, supported, and valued

    Site objectives

    Site objectives are derived from the business, operational, and user objectives. They might be the result of the intersection of the business, operational, and user objectives, or they might be extra objectives that result from analysis.

    The following are examples of site objectives for an internet site:

    • Provide clear and easy to understand navigation that enables users to find information quickly

    • Provide a search feature

    • Write content for the web so that it is easy to read and understand

    • Provide an FAQ section that addresses the most frequently asked questions of the support team

    • Provide a framework that structures content for the user and not the business division

    The following are examples of site objectives for an intranet:

    • Provide clear and easy to understand navigation that enables users to find information quickly

    • Support key common tasks such as timesheet entry

    • Provide a customized news section

    • Provide an FAQ section that addresses the most frequently asked questions of the support team

    • Provide a framework that structures content for the user and not the business division

    • Enable staff to enter content that is then put through a workflow before it is published on the intranet

Project teams

Define the role of each of the teams involved in the project and the organization of the teams. The following are some project team examples:

    Executive sponsors

    The owners and drivers of the project.

    Project team

    Responsible for the day-to-day management, analysis, and construction of the new site.

    Reference group

    Business unit representatives that are consulted to ensure their needs are addressed.

    Focus group

    User representatives that are consulted to ensure the new site is user-focused.


Document all the deliverables of the project. Give a description of what the deliverables are and the expected time frame for delivery.

Parent Plan a website