Manage workflows using the workflow checker tool
Use the workflow checker tool to:
- Update workflow security settings
- Reschedule pending workflow actions
- Detect and fix items with an invalid workflow.
- Enable the workflow update tool by adding the following parameters to the WCM WCMConfigService service using the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:
connect.businesslogic.module.workflowcontrolchecker.autoload=false- Log in to the portal as an administrator.
- Open one of the following URLs in the browser:
http://[HOST]:[PORT]/wps/wcm/myconnect/?MOD=WorkflowControlChecker&library=Web+Content&repairInvalidWorkflow=true&fix=trueNote: If the "library" parameter is omitted, the default library configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service is used.
Note: If the "&fix=true" parameter is omitted, the tool runs in read-only mode and generates a report.
- &library
- Enter a library name. If the library parameter is omitted, the default library configured in the WCM WCMConfigService service using the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
To run this tool against all libraries, you instead use &alllibraries=true. If we have many libraries, this process can take a long time to run, so it might be better to run this tool against individual libraries instead of all libraries.
- &updateDocSecurity
- If true, the workflowed item is saved and the workflow stage security is reapplied. Default is false.
- &rescheduleActions
- When true, workflow actions are rescheduled to run again. Default is false.
- &restrictOn
- Enter the items types to run the workflow checker tool against. Valid parameters are:
- Content
- Folder
- Project
- PresentationTemplate
- AuthoringTemplate
- ContentTemplate
- SiteAreaTemplate
- Taxonomy
- Category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
- &numberOfJcrOperationsPerLogin
- Define the number of operations for 1 JCR login. Used to help with memory consumption.
- &preserve_dates
- When true, the current last modified date of the item is preserved. Default is false.
- &preserveSecurityInheritancePropagation
- When true, and updateDocSecurity is also set to true, the workflowed item is saved, and the workflow stage security is reapplied, but the workflowed item's security inheritance and security propagation is unchanged.
- repairInvalidWorkflow
Detect and fix items within an invalid workflow (ie: both the workflow and workflow stages references are null).
When the module is run with repairInvalidWorkflow=true in fix mode, the broken items will be updated to use the internal system workflow.
Run the tool on a virtual portal
There are two methods available when the tool is run on a virtual portal:
- Use the URL context of a virtual portal:
Use the host name of a virtual portal:
Parent topic: Web content administration tools