Digital Experience Capabilities
The HCL WebSphere Portal structure allows us to surround content with transactional integration using existing back-end infrastructure. We can use connectors and RESTful services to integrate with enterprise and desktop applications, commerce solutions, web and cloud-based services, widgets and portlets, data analytics solutions, and more.
The mobile experience must render successfully on mobile devices. Responsive web design (RWD) is a popular approach for creating a single website that optimizes content and layout automatically based on screen size, device, and orientation, eliminating the need to design for a specific user device preference.
HCL WebSphere Portal ships with themes and templates that are based on RWD technology that dynamically formats the UI and adjusts it to the appropriate screen size. If the user accesses the experience from a smartphone, the experience automatically adjusts itself to the screen size. If the user accesses the experience from a tablet, the experience dynamically reformats and updates itself to take advantage of the additional screen space that is available.
HCL WebSphere Portal themes are also based on adaptive design. This technology queries the device to push the appropriate CSS stylesheet and formatting.
HCL WebSphere Portal ready-to-use themes provide two new responsive page navigation designs for mobile devices. One is aimed at smartphones, and the other is designed for tablets. The user agent for a device is parsed to determine which navigation to render on the portal page. Besides the native responsive and adaptive design in the HCL WebSphere Portal themes, the following resources and products are available:
HCL WebSphere Portal Mobile Experience
The Mobile Experience includes the following features:
- Sample mobile navigation widgets that follow common mobile application navigation patterns.
- Sample mobile page layouts that demonstrate common content interaction patterns.
The Mobile Experience is available on the IBM Collaboration Solutions Catalog.
IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator
Mobile Portal Accelerator offers a multi-channel server and mobile device repository that can automate web page presentation to over 8,400 mobile devices. Each of those devices can be optimized to the display and services capabilities that include smartphones, tablets, handheld phones, and kiosk devices. Site developers can write the content. Then, the multi-channel server solution automates the presentation for optimized display on thousands of mobile devices.
For more information, see the IBM Mobile Portal Accelerator website
Development tools
Both IBM Web Experience Factory and IBM Rational Application Developer include functions for developing web experiences for mobile site visitors. Web Experience Factory includes new smartphone builders and samples to help developers generate mobile portlets and pages faster. IBM Rational Application Developer includes tools designed to help develop portlets.
We can also develop apps using the IBM Mobile App Builder on the IBM Cloud.
IBM MobileFirst
We can integrate HCL WebSphere Portal with IBM MobileFirst to extend applications and content to a wide range of mobile devices so we can create a rich cross-platform hybrid mobile experience and provide multi-channel support to your web communities. We can use MobileFirst to create hybrid applications that add native device functions to your portal.
Web analytics page overlays can deliver in-place, real-time web page and channel delivery analysis. We can tag pages, portlets, or web content, and measure results through campaign and custom tags for greater insight into web content value and user and channel interactions.Use HCL WebSphere Portal Active Site Analytics to show graphical statistics reports about individual portal resources, such as pages or portlets. These reports are called Active Site Analytics overlay reports.
With HCL WebSphere Portal Integration for Enterprise Marketing Management, we can use IBM Marketing Center or IBM Interact to deliver targeted offers to a spot on the page. We can also integrate IBM Digital Analytics (previously Coremetrics) with HCL WebSphere Portal. The real-time information that is captured by HCL WebSphere Portal Active Site Analytics can be sent to IBM Digital Analytics.
HCL WebSphere Portal Digital Experience on Cloud solutions are provisioned, deployed, customized, monitored, and maintained by IBM experts to ensure security compliance, continuity of operations, and back-end integrations. IBM PureApplication patterns are deployed to the IBM SoftLayer cloud infrastructure. An IBM Client Success Manager as as you liaison, ensuring smooth onboarding, adoption, and continued usage.
WebSphere Commerce
IBM WebSphere Commerce provides an end-to-end shopping experience supported by a wide variety of marketing and merchandising capabilities. IBM WebSphere Commerce Enterprise is an omnichannel e-commerce platform that enables business-to-consumer and business-to-business sales to customers across multiple channels: web, mobile, social, store, and phone. It supports better marketing, selling, and fulfillment with precision marketing, merchandising tools, site search, customer experience management, catalog and content management, social commerce, and advanced starter stores.HCL WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Commerce work together to support better customer web experiences in several different use cases. For example, a customer self-service website scenario illustrates how HCL WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Commerce work together to bring to a single point all of the required applications, data, content, and tasks that are required to support a specific customer need. In this scenario, a customer performs a number of self-service activities:
- Running online processes and services
- Researching and resolving problems and questions
- Joining communities of interest
- Managing bills and loyalty programs
- Researching products, policies, and services
Types of websites
Parent Overview