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REST service for Web Content Manager

REST service for Web Content Manager is a collection of web services compliant with the Atom Publishing Protocol. Atom is an XML language used for data feeds providing access to edit access web content, including versions and workflow states, through HTTP. The service is designed according to the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, which helps build interactive content that can be modified on the client side via a web browser. Integrated editing tools can embed HTML and JavaScript in web content components, which bind to the REST service to display or update content asynchronously using Ajax. HTTP makes integration with remote clients easier than with a traditional API. WCM functions can be visible to remote systems without adding more server-side components, such as JSP, to access Java APIs. HTTP allows these services to work seamlessly with the infrastructure including firewall, proxy servers, and caches.

For examples below that contain incomplete XML, or XML without namespace declarations, assume the following declarations have been used:

Service entry points

The URLs, which comprise the REST service can change from release to release, or even with minor updates. Therefore, IBM recommends to never bookmark, or generate a URL unless it is for a defined entry point.

REST Service Access Levels

To use the REST service, for Web Content Manager a client user be assigned the "user" role or higher in the WCM REST SERVICE virtual resource. All authenticated users are assigned the "user" role by default. An administrator can edit the WCM REST SERVICE virtual resource by clicking the Administration menu icon in the toolbar, and then going to Access > Resource Permissions > Virtual Resources.

Parent topic: REST service for Web Content Manager