Update security task
Use the update security task to apply inherited access permissions, and remove existing item access permissions for all items or all items of a specific type. This task is useful as a post-migration step, or if we are applying major changes to the inheritance settings.
Apply inherited access permissions to all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles
cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine ./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary \ -DinheritPerms=apply \ -DlibSecurity=true
An administrator user name and password is not required if the portal administrator user name and password has been set for PortalAdminId and PortalAdminPwd in wkplc.properties.
Remove inherited access permissions to all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary \ -DinheritPerms=remove
Remove existing item access permissions for all items in a library named "MyLibrary" for all roles
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminId=username \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -DWasPassword=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary \ -DremoveExistingPerms=true
Run the Update Security task for all libraries
We can run the Update Security task for all libraries by replacing the option...
...with the option...
If neither option is specified, the Update Security task processes the default library.
Restrict the task to update only specified items types
We can restrict which objects types are processed by appending...
For example:
- content
- folder
- project
- style for presentation templates
- template for authoring templates
- taxonomy
- category
- SiteArea
- Workflow
- WorkflowStage
- WorkflowAction
- Cmpnt for components
If not specified, the security of all object types is updated.
Run the task on a virtual portal
When we run this task on a virtual portal, add one of the following to the command...
Preserve dates
We can preserve the last modified date of items updated by the update security task by adding...
Otherwise, the last modified date is updated when the update security task is run.
Defining the session timeout
To prevent the session from timing out before the task finishes, we can append the option...
This parameter sets the number of seconds in which the task must complete before its session will timeout. The default session timeout is 14,440 seconds, which is 4 hours. For large repositories, increase this setting. For example, for 10 hours...
-DsessionTimeOut=36000, which is 10 hours.
All of the options can be combined. For instance, run the following task to accomplish the following tasks:
- Remove existing item access permissions
- Apply inherited access permissions to content in the library called 'MyLibrary'
- Preserve the last modified dates of the items
./ConfigEngine.sh run-wcm-admin-task-update-security \ -DPortalAdminPwd=foo \ -Dlibrary=MyLibrary \ -DremoveExistingPerms=true \ -DinheritPerms=apply \ -DrestrictOn=Content \ -DpreserveDates=true