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Install the multilingual extensions

The multilingual solution consists of a set of extensions to Web Content Manager used to manage the authoring, workflow, and configuration of your multilingual system.

  1. Ensure the WasPassword and PortalAdminPwd passwords are set in the wkplc.properties file.

  2. Run the following registration command from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh register-wcm-mls

  3. Run the following deployment command from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh deploy-wcm-mls

  4. If the server contains virtual portals, we must also run the following task for each virtual portal on the server:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh import-wcm-mls-data -DVirtualPortalHostName=VirtualPortalHostName -DVirtualPortalContext=VirtualPortalContext

  5. Restart HCL WebSphere Portal.

  6. Repeat these steps on every server and cluster node.

Parent Deployment, installation, and configuration