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Content Template Catalog Migration

Content Template Catalog versions 3.x, 4.0.x, and 4.1.x are migrated along with all Web Content Manager data. These are additional migration steps required for CTC after data migration is complete.

Use the HCL WebSphere Portal v8.5 default theme

To use the new HCL WebSphere Portal v8.5 default theme, including all the new features included with theme, such as the updated toolbar, download and install Content Template Catalog version 4.2 or higher. Follow the upgrade procedures in the Content Template Catalog version 4.2 documentation.

Upgrade the Content Template Catalog 3.x theme to HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5

If we upgraded from HCL WebSphere Portal 7 to HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5, content and pages created with CTC 3.x are migrated to HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5 automatically.

The version of CTC 3.x that ran on HCL WebSphere Portal 7 was based on the PageBuilder2 theme.

To run on HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5...

  1. On the HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5 server, install the Mashup Integration .ear file...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh action-create-ear-wp.mmi.deploy

  2. Copy the following XML Access script and save it as an XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <request type="update" version="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd">
        <portal action="locate">
         <theme action="update" active="true" context-root="/wps/PageBuilder2" default="false" domain="rel" resourceroot="PageBuilder2" uniquename="CTCTheme"/>

  3. Log in to HCL WebSphere Portal as an administrator and go to...

      Administration menu icon | Portal Settings | Import XML

  4. Import the file saved in Step 2.

Enable inline editing for CTC version 3.x

Inline editing for CTC version 3.x is not enabled during migration. To enable inline editing:

  1. Open the authoring portlet and go to the Content Template Catalog version 3.x Design library.

  2. Open the Inline Editing folder and edit all the toolbar components.

  3. Change the "On Editing" setting to "Edit live content".

  4. Save each component.

Tagging and rating

For tagging and rating, then enable the new tag and rating widgets after migration.

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